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Wends: Risk Freijah on field or take a 64 on bench?
Danstar: Treloar out Carlton by 70
Danstar: I’d take the 64
lana2146: 6 of 1 half a dozen of another wends
lana2146: Curnow go big
soup: AT out, guessing Cinc will go to dale now?
Pokerface: Treloar late late withdrawl
soup: take the 64 i'd say Wends, carlscum hard matchup for defenders and freijah not likely to score much higher anyway
Wends: Thanks all, agreed x
Pokerface: white jersey Garcia
Wends: Thx soup and Danstar, agreed x
soup: time to bounce back curnow you hack
navy_blues: lets see how many qtrs blues play this week
clay007: The game has started Monty.
DaMeatloaf: Surely Bont gets the tag - hope it doesn’t matter
naicosfan: more than collingwood navy
Wends: CD sipping spicy Margs in the Club 16 function room still?
Legix: Huge mark
soup: hope so meatloaf my oppo has the C on him
navy_blues: my greatest critiscism of blues is they dont win enough qtrs and bury sides
Social: poke
clay007: Are any scores loading for you guys?
soup: scores arent loading but bonts had about two touches so he's probably on 85, nervous wait
LionBoy: The SC scores I can see at the moment look like my team.
naicosfan: whats wrong with the scores?
pcaman2003: English my only POD here, so need 150+ to make up for Sheezel. High hopes indeed!
Social: woof
pcaman2003: naicos. Just the usual stuff ups.
Pokerface: feed your hamster m0nty!
Pevo: No scores but Bont has 1 tackle so 45 points.
navy_blues: nice williams
Wends: Wonder if the Cincotta tag on Bont will last?
JaiDay12: m0nty too busy watching Sicily's highlight reel it seems
LuvIt74: cant see any scores is it not working?
Wends: Pedal harder m0nty
circle52: I can see SC scores in game day
circle52: Bont and English both on 10 atm for those interested
Ninty: Scores working on the SuperCoach app, so it must be a FF issue
OffaStep: Curnow's score doesn't seem to be working on SC... :(
TheOnyas: onya monty
pcaman2003: Maybe I'll come back later when somebody home.
clay007: What is game day circle? I am getting stats on footywire.
Pokerface: lol Onyas
Pokerface: what's Walsh on circle?
Hazza09: your a fraud curnow
frenzy: mInty needs a new bike
clay007: Walsh 31
CamT: Walsh is on 31
soup: how does curnow enter career worst form and stop bribing the umpires the second i bring him in?
circle52: Walsh on 31
frenzy: shes all locked up
soup: through the big ones you gimps
Pokerface: thanks all
circle52: If you are on SC Site click on game day live and then afl matches
Wends: Newman killing it
soup: Bevo moving magnets. terrifying sight
connrs: english on 13 pulling my hair out
amigaman: Thanks circle52. That's brilliant.
RooBoyStu: And I get give the spud, fair dinkum spud m0nty
circle52: and Bont still on 10 my fault made him VC
frenzy: lol soup
Pokerface: you aren't given it RooBoy. You own it.
soup: welcome back spudboy. hard to get reception from under the bridge?
frenzy: m0nty has kicked the plug out
Troglodyte: lol RooPoo - such a spud
RooBoyStu: I speak more truth than your verbal diarrhea Pokerface
CamT: The stats sites have gone mad. Finalsiren has Georgiades leading the Coleman with 92 goals.
RooBoyStu: souo i was enjoying your pumkin head soup as entree
Swoop35: I cant see the scores on gameday, whats walsh on?
CamT: Fixed up now.
original: Umpires can’t be falling for Weightman like this surely
soup: mate you can barely afford a main course
pcaman2003: Swoop. I beleive it's meth
clay007: Thanks Circle. Ill use that. I like it when both teams are shown side by side. See you all. This is flower
Pavs: 35 swoop
RooBoyStu: soup until you own a house, get back to me, I'm not talking a barbie house.
circle52: Walsh on 35
naicosfan: why are u giving us false hope camT
RooBoyStu: soup you don't know me and glad you don't as if you did, you would be called Barry Hall the 2nd
Swoop35: Thanks guys
Wends: Nice Bont goal
naicosfan: roo boy stu on the recieving end of what barry hall did to brett staker
Pokerface: is it possible for someone to have two spud icons?
RooBoyStu: And i get given the spud icon for having a go at this shower site lmao karma
soup: mate i'd make you like like brent staker
RooBoyStu: naicosfan it's brent but that's ok you were still in nappys then
LuvIt74: M0nty any chance this will be resolved soon mate?
Legix: Scores working now
LuvIt74: All good now it seems
Legix: Just reload the page
soup: thanks monty appreciate the work
clay007: Rooboy, can you be quiet?
pcaman2003: Geez English! You should be making a killing ya great spud.. Do something special for a change.
LuvIt74: cheers M0nty
naicosfan: brent... brett, very easy to make a mistake on something so long ago, but carry on Stu.
Troglodyte: My whole team has spud icons this round. VC Gulden and Grundy only tons so far
m0nty: that was annoying sorry about that
Wends: English heading for a spud of his own in the week he's needed gah!
Troglodyte: All good m0nty, good stuff
naicosfan: why the flower was pittonet named, the reason english is doing shower
clay007: Cripps doing well in his 200th...not
pcaman2003: Trog. My listp of failures grows every week. So disillusioned with my choices. this year.
Wends: All good m0nty, thx for fixing
soup: curnow you curly haired maggot
naicosfan: getting sucked into curnow when i couldve had caldwell...
clay007: Patrick Crapps and Marcus Bontemsmelly killing me
Social: sometimes it takes a while to push that last little nugget out
pcaman2003: Wends. English another one of my frauds. You and I can commiserate our frauds together. :(
clay007: Crappa! Well done!
circle52: Add me too the English Fraud pcaman
Legix: Good goal Cripps
pcaman2003: circle. We'll start a frauds group. SC fraud crimes are rising.
Ninty: How good is owning Dale after getting him cheap thanks to Bevo
Social: woof
naicosfan: finally charlie
Wends: Sack of potatoes my vote for the group name pca
LachieMcL: curnow is a herolt
clay007: It looks like Rooboy has finally taken his pills.
LachieMcL: phaggit
Wends: OMG bont... ploise
soup: Rack off lachie you loser
Social: Probly shoulda taken Rickards 53 over Freij pfft...
lana2146: Pull up with the language wheres Monty
clay007: Well said Soup. Random comment by him
pcaman2003: Good name Wends.
pcaman2003: English lots of hitouts, but must be to opposition
Hazza09: Xerri, Meek, Grundy tons every week and ive got this giraffe English
Wends: Bont with the 1/2 time little point creep <3
soup: you and me both hazza
Wends: Picked up X this week over Nank this wk Hazza... watch Nank go large :)
soup: nank gonna go 140 tomorrow against briggsy
Swoop35: Was gonna bring briggs in but saw that sean darcy was out so i got dogga
frenzy: trade out Max wends
GinniFan: wish Curnow would kick straight
Wends: I did Frenzy... to X instead of Nank :(
soup: stay low bonk
Social: he's a very handy dpp swoop
Swoop35: Yes social, didnt have him because of sean darcy
Wends: Keep going Bont, your disco needs u
soup: if cold toast win and carlscum lose, 12 teams will be seperated by only 8 points on the ladder, unreal
clay007: That is a good name for Gold Coast soup! lol
soup: sucked in walsh you bozo
Wends: English, for the love of dog
original: Not high ggf
Hazza09: You're a joke English, never again!
pcaman2003: Went for 20 min. meal break and come back to find that weak dog English only on 48.. Useless turd!
naicosfan: charlie could be having a day out
soup: how are you getting outscored by weightman english you crab
_Wang_: Evening all I'll jump on the English hate train
Wends: Hope Freijah gets a little closer to his BE
piesfan420: thank god i went xerri instead of english
naicosfan: that was so close to being goty by ugle hagan
soup: what even is goty right now? nothing coming to mind
original: How bad is Cerra.
naicosfan: same soup, i can only think of nick again gold coast (all bias)
soup: dont even think that was the best goal of that week naicos!
naicosfan: pretty sure it was, it was one of the three contenders.
naicosfan: but again, open to any other suggestions
soup: haha yeah it was, but from memory there was another nomination that impressed me more
Social: the frenchman is mocking the so called english person
soup: thilthorpe, paton, woewodin, hind subs for next two games
soup: apparently its going to be raining in adel. I looped Steele for Humphries, should I loop Dawson instead?
Yelse: steele could go 12 tackles though in the rain
soup: Yeah I had steele on the bench before I noticed the weather. Wondering if I loop dawson instead
circle52: Thinking similar should I bank Richards 53 or rely on Dowling getting more
soup: I have faith in Dowling circle
Wends: His mother was a hamster soup
hinsch: Bont will be cheap in a few weeks ready for SC finals
Raspel31: Loves you Bonts but think the C goes to Dunks.
Wends: Cld English be staging a come back?
soup: if you dont have bont by now you probably arent in the frame for SC finals
naicosfan: wends he hasnt been playing that bad, his ratio should not be that bad
xodeus9: keep pittonet on the bench for the rest of the game for the love of god
pcaman2003: Wends. Unlikely! The great pretender.
Wends: Relieved naicos... Also, c'mon doggies!
soup: advantage rule is chalked
soup: freijah lifted for you social
fishman_da: I'm a fan of "make your own luck", but geez the Blues are stiff with the umps
Raspel31: Walsh's bottom must be very warm by now.
Legix: Get off the pine Walsh
Wends: Nippy in Melbs tonight Raspel, happy for him to stay nice n cozy
PAFC4eva: And english rasp go the poms
soup: yeah would be freezing under the lid wends
soup: flower sake curnow what are you good for
navy_blues: tom hawkins says hi soup lolol
soup: haha ive done nothing but rag on hawkins all year champ
frenzy: get on bont
soup: shouldve hung up the boots with joel
Wends: Karma swift and real. Bont now on the pine.
Flagpies23: Good job curnow, currently above english
soup: hes gonna get stuck on the pine if play stays over here.
Noxious: English is so soft, just ran away from Cripps I think it was
biggs2dujj: Love Bont having his 10 minute break during the last 10 mins of the game.
exatekk: omg lol
soup: what do you expect nox, he's as soft as baby poo
pcaman2003: Noxious. I thought I was the only one who saw that. Lol! He's weak!
biggs2dujj: Well done Frasier. Good day at the office. Enjoy stumps
PAFC4eva: Geez doggies were shocking last week playing under the roof makes all the difference
BRAZZERS: harry mac the yingyang
GinniFan: 3.7 good lord
soup: Carlton lose, Australia wins!
biggs2dujj: Bont absolutely nowhere. Typical pea heart C performance again
Wends: Good recovery English, cld've been way worse
FreeHughsy: just got off work - wowee
navy_blues: how u go against us soup cant remember huh?
lana2146: Where has Walsh gone
Manowar: Termination notice inbound Voss
BRAZZERS: was was on the bench for 12 minutes in the 4th
navy_blues: we needed 5 cripps out there
Bulky: No Orazio, no Carlton.
BRAZZERS: walsh*
don key: wow what a game !!
soup: haha navy, showerting bricks ahead of september ay?
navy_blues: soup didnt deserve to win but think gee will be worried if they play us in finals dont you?
pcaman2003: English 3 sub 90's scores in 5 rounds is a worry.
Social: well done woofers, no need to bring that next week

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