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J.Worrall: Evening all. Go the same olds!
Yelse: Good evening gents... who is everyone VC/C. Go Piesss by 21
frenzy: evening chaps
soup: Happy Friday gents, faded Caldwell for rankine so hopefully it doesn't burn me
navy_blues: hi all dont know who i want to win this
soup: Yelse Ryan into Gawn for me
Troglodyte: Go the draw. Swapped Fissure to Caldwell. Can't get rid of the Norf cancer out of my team quick enough
Swoop35: Evening all, go pies!
Noxious: Evening gents
Noxious: I'm going Serong into Gawn, see how that pays off
pcaman2003: Hi all! Going Flanders C and Possibly Gulden VC.
EvilMonk: Evening all!
Gotigres: Greetings from Phuket, Thailand, where I'm spending the next 11.5 weeks.
pcaman2003: Sorry! Had my VC and C on wrong players. Reverse them around
Gotigres: Naicos vc and Gawn capt for me
OffaStep: I'm a bit spooked on Maxxy, Nox. The entire Weagles team payed some serious attention to Gawn last time.
circle52: Naicos to Bont for me.
wadaramus: Sawadee khrup.
navy_blues: flanders into bont
Hadouken: zerrett VC last minute switch
Noxious: Yeah im not ser on it offa, but no Flynn could be good. I'll no doubt change my mind haha
Roarix: Playing at the same time Navy?
Gotigres: Hi to you too wada.
original: Shoulda gone Caldwell like everyone else
Roarix: I shouldve gone Merrett.. but went Bont into Neale
Hepatitis: Hate both clubs. Hope it’s a draw
soup: Early days roarix
Swoop35: Ive gone bont into gulden
soup: Remember zerrett first half last week and look how that turned out
Raspel31: Naicos a very brave call on this one Gotigres- I am not my brother's keeper.
Hadouken: a weeks a long time in footy.
LionBoy: Can’t remember the last time I said this. Go Pies.
original: Cmonnn the draw
Kangagang: Go VC Zerrett
soup: Don't own zerrett, martin or Caldwell. Tonight's gonna be a long watch
Gotigres: I think I just forgot to change the vc to Serong Raspel with me doing a lot of organising for my trip to Phuket
pcaman2003: Had to bring Richards onto ground for injured Fisher. Hope he fires.
nbartos: ridley a bad move a few weeks ago
Raspel31: Love Phuket Gotigres- enjoy.
soup: Shame he doesn't play Richmond every week bartos
LionBoy: Cheer for Pies Hep
sheezel420: Crisp is still somehow underrated
Gotigres: Thanks Raspel.
Raspel31: When you have Crisp but you're a dOn's man- I feel like a pig just shat in y head.
Gotigres: You're not alone nbartos
navy_blues: landslide incoming
Swoop35: Crisp for coleman!
bhg26: Crisp drug test incoming
Yelse: this is why players shouldn't come off after goals
wadaramus: That's just outrageous.
pcaman2003: Glad I changed last second and put C on Crispy :)
Roarix: A Crisp performance so far.. wowee
BRAZZERS: crispy must have sent a few snapchats before the game!
soup: Good one brazz
Silz90: Wym brazzers
EvilMonk: Good execution so far
BRAZZERS: come on silz you know
Roarix: Can Pies kick a few behinds if Ridley is gonna rack up 2 cheap possies
EvilMonk: Yeah nice I have Richards on the ground this week
Gotigres: Thankfully I put Richards on field ahead of Sam Day
soup: Richo you crab
EvilMonk: Be nicer if he kicked it rip
Swoop35: Same evil
BRAZZERS: lol, richmons trhe bench. I have 22 prems on the ground. Surprised more ppl ain't done yet
BRAZZERS: richards*
EvilMonk: Expect some love by the umps after the 3rd quarter last week. Shocking against the cats
Roarix: That was 50 on top of that free kick.. talk about inconsistency
original: Ndaicos still on track for 5 coaches vote from fly macrae
soup: I would imagine the Fisher injury has forced people to field Richards brazz
Roarix: lol original
sheezel420: Martin trade outers will want to look away
Zutroyz: Ease up Evil. Essington had the rub of the green with the umps in 1st half and then went to water when under pressure
soup: Draper has zero work rate
OffaStep: Naicos stuck on the bench? 64% TOG...
pcaman2003: Brazzers. You have 6 premos in the forward line? Who exactly?
Zutroyz: Finally got rid of Martin. What are the odds...
LionBoy: Early prediction. Bombers won’t make finals.
soup: Haha where's your bow and arrow duursma you nerd
Troglodyte: Hopefully some good mids get fwd status on Sunday
original: Lionboy people
original: Lionboy people been saying that for three weeks
lana2146: Brazzers lucky to be rank in top 20k
LionBoy: Oh well. Take out the early bit.
beerent11: How good was that naicos pass
nbartos: fish to cald boys are lovin
Roarix: And I doubt anyone disagrees Lionboy
Yelse: @troglodyte ? anyone specifically coz no mids really getting fwd status
lana2146: Full flop
original: Trog only reason I didn’t trade Caldwell in. But regret it atm
Silz90: Brought in Caldwell last week, so happy rn
EvilMonk: Pies look dangerous going forward.
Roarix: Was very tempted to go Sexton to Caldwell to be fully set.. looks like I will make that trade next week
Troglodyte: No obvious candidates chaps just putting it out their in the multiverse
beerent11: Went fish to Caldwell. Don’t like foot injuries.
Troglodyte: I currently have Caldwell, Sexton and Baker F4-6 and not happy. FU Macrae and Jackson
sheezel420: Went Rozee over Caldwell this week
beerent11: Caldwell breakeven is in the forties.
circle52: same beerent
pcaman2003: beer. What sort of foot injury?
Roarix: Ive got 140k in reserve to easily make the change so Caldwell BE doesnt concern me
OffaStep: Fish to J Clark here. Foot injury + Kerch back = risk.
Roarix: Or I trade Rowell for Dunkley/Rozee/Warner/Gulden
Gotigres: Very happy I have Kreugar as great backup at R3
Troglodyte: Daniher is current in the best 4 fwds in Fantasy. Outrageous
Roarix: But I think Rowell will do score better more often than Sexton.. just needs to get out of this slump
beerent11: They’ve just said foot pcaman. Sometimes they linger a while. Cost 2k to make the trade.
Troglodyte: best 6 sorry
original: TDK this week for me in ruck..thoughts?
Roarix: Forgetting he was avging 90+ last year Trog?
pcaman2003: beer. Okay! He's on my bench but would like to know more before trading.Only 8 trades left.
Troglodyte: There was 6 better options last year Roarix so didn't notice
pcaman2003: berr. By the way, I finally brought the Gov in .
Troglodyte: 2.34% ownership and in my spreadsheet to come in for Baker if no better options
Yelse: I really hate it how pies let opp mids lose flanders andrerson last week meriret this week just man on them
sheezel420: I must be the only person without Merrett
J_Herer: Lets go VC Merrett, keep going son!!
pcaman2003: sheezel. I don't have him either.
LionBoy: Ordinary Redman
soup: Me too sheezel. Brutal
Roarix: Still till early to regret no VC on Merrett :'(
Noxious: I don't have him either
OffaStep: Pies back their mids in, Yelse. Can't lose a mid to a defensive role in Fly's system. Sometimes it hurts.
Troglodyte: Lift Dean - need your cash on Sunday night for rage trades
wadaramus: Regretting not having Merrett, and putting the VC on Nick D.
wadaramus: I thought Fly was saying he wanted to play 100% game time?
Pevo: Was Justin Madden who kicked that goal.
LionBoy: Naicos low TOG. Probiem ?
wadaramus: Mouthful of garbage methinks.
Yelse: Daicos TOG strange after asking for 100 percent
Noxious: He ain't Gulden
Raspel31: Let's be honest- who owns Pendles and Sidebum?
wadaramus: He's spending more time getting splinters that ever before :(
beerent11: Oh no pcaman.
Roarix: +9 for what?
TheFilth: gulden
bhg26: lol crisp hasn’t kicked a goal this quarter. Washed
wadaramus: CD keep making his DE look terrible!
Manowar: clanger Daicos
J_Herer: clangers holding him down
wadaramus: He's got no muppets, but his DE is atrocious!
pcaman2003: beer. He'll be good for a 150+ this week now :
Roarix: Still will get 120 somehow
wadaramus: Reece lightning!
circle52: I have Pendles in a draft Raspel.
Roarix: Naicos going at 33%.. Shouldnt he be on like 24? Most others would be stuck on something like that at 33%
DANGERous: get the ball Richards
beerent11: We talking bout the gov pca?
soup: Is he still getting the five coaches votes from fly though?
Roarix: Guess who is playing someone who has Pendlebury is draft.. lmfao rack off man
Harmzy99: Naicos has had a lot of hacks off the ground, hard to rate it either way
pcaman2003: beer. Yes siree!
TheFilth: Geez - how many are obsessed with Naicos? LOL
pcaman2003: Naicos also has 8 cp's. All adds up
beerent11: Looked like getting that last week. Hope the thumbs ok.
Roarix: Its just facts Filth.. T Green was doing similar last week and was stuck on 30 odd for 12 touches..
navy_blues: pies gone home?
Troglodyte: the draw is back on
LionBoy: Early prediction. Bombers for top 4.
Roarix: Hahahaha Lionboy.. chopping and changing just like that
Noxious: Filth, when everyone has him in their team and a lot would have the VC everyone would be talking about him?
soup: Who TF is Bobby jones BT you nuffie
original: up the draw
EvilMonk: Lol bobby Jones
pluggerpig: is it an early prediction in round 17?
Manowar: looks like a quarter time Pep up did the trick!
pcaman2003: Retire BT and do us all a big favour.
LionBoy: Time is fleeting plug
Roarix: Love seeing Durham get his game ruined by having to tag.. been so good this year, disappointing
soup: Must have asked Elijah hollands for some gear ay manowar
Noxious: How is Frampton on 9 points? Haha
TheFilth: Noxious - BS thats nothing to do with '"Fly's coaches votes" - same showere on EVERY forum - petty salty remarks
Troglodyte: What happened to Yankee Doofus?
Cascadian: Bobby Jones one of the most influential golfers
soup: I was quoting someone from before filth
Manowar: nah, they got James Hird
soup: I heard Jab Watson was supplying as well
beerent11: Good game of footy
navy_blues: caddy and jones will be good for bombers in future if they]can keep them
navy_blues: few frees not being called
EvilMonk: Scared to pay them I reckon
TheFilth: As long as the umps are consistent navy_blues - i don't mind
pcaman2003: Kreuger looks all at sea when near the ball.
Pevo: Much better game with less frees.
Silz90: Keep going martin
OffaStep: Martin with a lot of time to decide how to butcher it.
wadaramus: Spot on Pevo.
Gotigres: I'm going to meet a few friends in Patong for dinner, so good luck to you all.
wadaramus: "The AFL" is the only Australian Rules Football league that make their own rules.
original: No Darcy Moore knee attacks yet?
OffaStep: Stay safe, Gotigres.
wadaramus: They do it to manipulate the game to suit how they want it to look.
navy_blues: lol original
puckeey: Not as bad as frampton pca he doesn't even know what colour the ball is
Gotigres: Cheers Offa
TheFilth: So saying Phuket to the footy eh Gotigres..
wadaramus: It's all about revenue, not letting the game be played the way it always has been.
LuvIt74: Wish Naicos started better but cant complain, as Marrett, Ridley, Martin & Caldwell have started great in 1st half.
wadaramus: Anyway, how good is swimming in the ocean right about now.
Gotigres: haha Filth. Cheers.
wadaramus: Everyone enjoying a relaxing swim in the mornings?
TheFilth: Enjoy Gotigres - better weather there than 9 degrees at the 'G tonigh
nbartos: 47% accuracy hmm
soup: Hang up the mic BT you're atrocious
soup: Can someone get on Caldwell what the flower
Yelse: these cheap possession by essendon frustrating me pies man up ffs
original: Who are the up and coming commentators to replace BT etc
original: Caldwell damn son. Regret
beerent11: There’s no way they take Caldwell out of the mids when dp returns.
navy_blues: matt hill
beerent11: Kelli underwood original. She’s a star.
Noxious: Mat Hill should commentate every game, only decent one out there
clay007: I don't understand the hatred some of you have for BT.
SonOfAGun.: Huddo
TheFilth: Poor defense Pies
upweydons: Matt Hill
navy_blues: m0nty to replace brayshaw
Troglodyte: Selwood maybe ;)
Raspel31: BT taught me how to milk a cow blindfolded.
Yelse: @thefilth when you letting every bomber player free defence has no chance
beerent11: Who’re we vc and c ing this week? I’m thinking Bont into serong or Ryan or Gawn.
Social: Due metro Petro
EvilMonk: Definitely paying Draper back eh lol
TheFilth: True Yelse but you have to make body contact in marking contests
EvilMonk: We can't even bring a ball to ground at the moment. Essendon marking everything
soup: Weird ass sign hahaha BT
Social: It was a good spoil by Touchy last week, actually got fist on the ball
CamT: Without Richo, Friday night commentating would be boring as shower.
EvilMonk: Kreuger and Mihocek haven't touched it
EvilMonk: Nice timing on my comment
TheFilth: First decent mark - well done Kruger
Troglodyte: Good boy Dean - Young to Whitfield trade is back on for Sunday night
TheFilth: Keep talking Evilmonk haha
EvilMonk: Lol haven't had many goals. Especially Hill, Richards and Daicos
Yelse: when opponent has Merret VC caldwell ridley martin daicos i got dacos and richards great start :(
Troglodyte: lol Yelse. Not getting great advice when you ask for it at the start of EVERY game
original: Richards can still kick the last goal to tie the game and get good points. Have faith
DANGERous: lift Richards
LuvIt74: Who had Naicos as VC? I did
soup: He's called him Bobby jones again, what a dinosaur
EvilMonk: Not even really competitive any more.
circle52: I do Luvit
original: No naicos vc here
beerent11: When Caldwell is I the mids he reminds a bit of Dunkley
soup: Unlucky sub trog
clay007: Great mark by Bobby Jones
J_Herer: i had pies by +25 in this, dam cold pies!
Troglodyte: Yep, damn late season rooks. Useless
beerent11: Got a feeling the pies might get up here.
Roarix: Who said they were regretting Ridley after 10min into Q1.. lol
ausgooner: 642 teams traded him out lmao
clay007: The bombers are playing way better than the pies. A lot would have to change to reverse the result.
J_Herer: Keep going Merrett and Ridley!!! Lift Richards, kick a couple!!
beerent11: That feeling is subsiding clay. You beauty Caldwell!
navy_blues: nice bombers
Yelse: don't think i have seen the pies play as bad in 3 years
EvilMonk: Stats would suggest a 10 goal loss. Kind of lucky bombers have been inaccurate and wasteful.
original: If I actually traded Caldwell in he would have scored 55 and done a hammy tho
Hepatitis: Oh well, dons r drug cheats, but at least pies r flogs too
Raspel31: Well dang, had to bring in a Dion's player for pride. Chose Caldwell- my bad.
soup: Should've traded Caldwell in. These arrogant plows never man up
Social: It's like theyte waiting for the umps to help them out
wadaramus: Daicos you flog.
Troglodyte: No coaches votes for Daicos tonight I reckon...
navy_blues: durham killin pies
beerent11: Evening virus.
soup: Hep your team harbours criminals. Glass houses
Phasir: Jeez can't half tell the vAFL want Ess in the finals
Yelse: when was the pies last tackle seriously
beerent11: Caldwell is a lot more fun to barrack for than fish.
Manowar: Bye Fly!
Raspel31: Hep- that is outdated, unneeded and simply unpleasant.
Social: Oh dangle berry
Yelse: They need to move Howe back
Manowar: retire Pendlebury!
TheFilth: That's what I noticed Yelse - no pressure or tackles
Troglodyte: lol Manowar, you'll cream your pants when a coach actually gets sacked this season
Roarix: But then you lose 2 goals Yelse.. Mihocek has been non-existent
soup: Who would've thought a back six with Frampton kreuger markov and dean would be dominated
Noxious: Add Moore to that
Roarix: Lmfao soup.. the loss of Murphy has really hurt them
Yelse: Howe has changed the fwd dynamic and the run from defence double
original: Phasir personally want them finishing 9th
Social: Special handball from Jaicos
Hepatitis: Never outdated rasp - it’s how we all think of the dons
EvilMonk: Nice work Harvey
TheFilth: Nice timing - keep talking about Pendlebury Manowar haha
beerent11: Durham has done a cracking job.
Noxious: Do something Martin
soup: Not a lot of cheapies available nox
EvilMonk: What's BT going on about?
TheFilth: Pies are flat - too good tonight Bombers
Roarix: Durham has done a super job and had a big impact himself.. he is some player already. Would love him in a Lions jumper
Manowar: another clanger Nick
gazza39: Ridley a massive seagull
Phasir: Durham is tracking to be one of the elites of the comp tbh
TheFilth: Yeah - Daicos is not burning off Walsh to kick the winning goal tonight eh Manowar..
Raspel31: I am simply in awe of your IQ Hep- carn Bombers and go England!
EvilMonk: Surely you pay the mark
Social: Alright here we go, umps are getting involved now
KangaBanga: Grim reaper coming for dons
soup: Hopefully they don't bring it back, essenjab fans will be in hysterics about the umps all week again
EvilMonk: That's rich coming off last week @Social lmfao
Manowar: and another clanger Nick
soup: Soft as baby poo naicos
Noxious: Daicos bit silly there
EvilMonk: Lol you guys are toxic af eh
Noxious: Merrett does not stop running
Swoop35: Its cause hes too good evil lol, just having an off night
Social: Deliberates get you penalised monk
TheFilth: Daicos having a mare...
Noxious: He's an absolute gun but he did make a dumb mistake just walking it over the line
clay007: Daicos been taught a lesson by Merrett. Trying to be too fancy, Merrett just getting the job done with class
OffaStep: Pec, Mihocek?
beerent11: He’s so good noxious
EvilMonk: Why isn't that advantage wtf
TheFilth: Geez umpire took long enough to call the free..
Troglodyte: Has Nicky Martin touched the ball this quarter?
LuvIt74: Pendels still got it at 36.5 years of age, i remember the days when the Captain just went on Pendels every week
TheFilth: Shocking kick inside 50
puckeey: There's your man trog
Troglodyte: Ole Ole Ole
Noxious: Is Naicos sitting forward?
beerent11: That’ll do it Martin. Now just naic for 4 out of 4 tons.
BRAZZERS: lol commentator said "inject" when talking about essendon lol
LuvIt74: All 4 of my essendon players have toned up just need Naicos to score another 35 in 3
Raspel31: Oh, hello Caldwell.
pcaman2003: BRAZZERS. Still waiting for your reply on who your 6 premo fwds are.
TheFilth: Not enough time....
Troglodyte: the draw is back on...
Hepatitis: Drug boys to finish in the four and go out in straight sets ?
EvilMonk: This has to be the closest smashing I've ever seen
Noxious: BT has the biggest hard on right now thinking of the comeback
soup: Underwhelming crowd
TheFilth: I'm not certain the way he's playing..
Social: Yeah now is the time for soft frees
Noxious: Geez what's he doing tonight, his efficiency is way off
Silz90: Who comes out for parish and setterfield
beerent11: Handy point
soup: Perkins out for parish potentially
Noxious: Is he injured? Bad accuracy and sitting forward
upweydons: Go dons
Hepatitis: See the bombers take drugs, drugs, they are the team that will cheat
TheFilth: Bombers deserved the win..
Roarix: De Goey is Collingwoods problem.. does nothing and can hardly move around the ground
upweydons: Wat a load of crap hep
soup: Hep, Brazzers and 2phones have to be the same person right?
OffaStep: Got any other shower jokes, Hep? We've all heard that one.
soup: Three biggest flowerwits on the site and they're all Richmond fans. Food for thought
Roarix: Lol Soup.. mans got 3 computers going at the same time
TheFilth: Give it a rest Hep - grow up
OffaStep: I wouldn't be so sure, soup. There are a LOT of twats in the world.
McSquire: Can we make this forum only for those over 10 years old so the likes of Hep can go elsewhere. Bed time now fella
slydon: zerret for AA captain
TheFilth: Fair call Slydon.
soup: Gotta be slydon, unless they do something stupid like Hawkins AA captain few years back
slydon: ive seen some carlton nuffys claiming cripps for AA C but i dont buy it
slydon: especially after this performance
slydon: those pressure efforts were unreal

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