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Stu7: Hi all
Cam123: Go Green
Cam123: Hawks to continue good form?
Noxious: Afternoon all.. or no one, might be here by myself
Silz90: Welcome dyl Moore
Noxious: Need a Tom Green comeback game
piesfan420: afternoon lads
Noxious: there we go
frenzy: chaps
navy_blues: arvo all
piesfan420: dyl moore my only POD
Silz90: -2 noxious lol
Noxious: Not a great start Silz haha
CamT: Ginnivan just can't help looking for frees.
slydon: I need a bad game from green so he can drop a bit more before I bring him back in
J_Herer: Downgraded MCrouch to Green, lets go!
slydon: I also need Moore to kick another that please
piesfan420: hoping moore can hit 115 today
Silz90: I'm glad I'm on the Moore train. Gun player
Hazza09: great start green
RgngShnBnr: Green needs the butcher icon permanently
EvilMonk: D'Ambrosio absolutely starring ever since I traded him out. Oh SC how you torment me.
Hazza09: don't know what's a hsrder watch, green or English
EvilMonk: Green's only worth sub 500k atm so I'd say English lol
RgngShnBnr: At least Green gets the ball. English just doing cardio
Noxious: Nic Martin another frustrating watch
bhg26: Whitfield the most frustrating watch of all
navy_blues: lol ginni
Noxious: Sucked in Ginnivan haha
EvilMonk: I was thinking Ginni finally got a free, then not 2 seconds later lmao
LionBoy: Only got Green here. Been a hard watch most of the year.
thommoae: Pretty fair un-butcher service that to Hogan.
LionBoy: He’s due for a good one thommo
Noxious: Green bringing it back slowly
nbartos: Cmon Hawks! Show all these #1 draft picks how its done
piesfan420: brought in dyl moore and hes done nothing
LionBoy: Toby looks like a dlck. Suits him.
EvilMonk: I don't mind the new HTB rule. Good seeing a tackle get rewarded. Can only hope for consistency
bhg26: Whitfield i hate you with every fibre of my being
EvilMonk: retaliator always punished lol. I wish they saw the first hit just once in their lives, the umps.
EvilMonk: wtf Reeves just dropped it. Guess the consistency is already gone.
thommoae: Spoken like a true Bloods supporter, bhg :)
bhg26: Just telling it how it is thommoae, whitfield weak as power
LionBoy: Little Harvey. Not a bad player for a 12 year old.
EvilMonk: lol love that bloke that keeps coming through the mic. "You blokes are flowering useless" lol
EvilMonk: said something about Toby Greene's helmet before haha
J_Herer: ton up Harvey!!!
thommoae: Hogan. GHreen. Whit. thomas. Whats is it - open season on the Giants today?
EvilMonk: nice ball movement Giants, that looked good.
Noxious: From the small player, good stuff Underwood
EvilMonk: @Noxious I've tried to not complain, but how bad is it?
Noxious: Yeah look I'm normally not too vocal about her but it's a difficult listen
DukeNewc: As a hawks supporter, this is extremely frustrating, should be much closer.
LionBoy: Not many players deserve those long contracts. Sam Taylor does.
Noxious: Yeah hawks are kicking themselves out of this one, ruining my tips haha thought they'd be on for sure
EvilMonk: can we get a muppet icon for Whitfield? What the hell was that kick?
piesfan420: what a terrible game of footy so far
Noxious: Karl amon going at 100% with 11 kicks is nice
thommoae: In Keli's favour, at least she's cut out the screech to her commentary, it seems.
navy_blues: all 3 games today arent exciting thought this would be best game out of all of them
LionBoy: Saints and Suns might be ok navy. Esp if a Suns fan. Need an away win
navy_blues: yes Lion i hope but dont rate the saints atm
Hazza09: what's Massimo done of a late to score this well?
LionBoy: Geez those Telstra ads are whacked.
LionBoy: Tom Green to hit 130??
Noxious: Would be nice Lion lol but i'll be happy with 100
piesfan420: who is everyone captaining
Noxious: Tossing up between Naicos and Angry Gawn
Noxious: Great goal from Gunston there
StuL: Gawn capt atm
EvilMonk: I've got Naicos C after Bont VC failed. But I have a bad feeling about it.
LionBoy: Angry Gawn 420
piesfan420: ive got nick daicos aswell but idk, im thinking of changing to gawn
nbartos: Gawns been worked out - freo fed it to him, was lucky to get 100
bhg26: Seriously whitfield do something you useless spud
Noxious: To be fair Bartos the whole team got smoked, wasn't just him
Noxious: Neville Bartos I assume? haha
TimT14: Get going Newcombe 10 more touches
Hazza09: Green has gone home this qtr
Noxious: It's hard being a Green holder
LionBoy: Love watching Chol kick for goal
elvundir: wow got bored for 10 minutes and Whitfield has really turned it around
circle52: Real hard Noxious Thought after first half may have turned
bhg26: He finally remembered how to seagull elvundir
Noxious: Yeah I'm sure he was on nearly 65 at half time circle
miersmessi: I’ve gone daicos C but idk if I should go risky and chuck it on Flanders against the saints
original: tom green wtf. delisted Daniels in draft this morning. ffs
Hazza09: Noxious Green & English have been an absolute horrible hard watch this year
original: 2 effective handballs and a free for that qtr for Tom Green apparently. reckon he was 55 at HT
miersmessi: I’ve held both green and English which has been lots of fun
circle52: and I have English as well
wadaramus: Wil Dawson not names as sub, still tossing up on trading Clohesy to him.
original: tom green -2 during 3Qt, down to 56. SPUD
wadaramus: Scores of 35 & 79, what's his JS like, it doesn't apear he'll make much cash.
wadaramus: Clohesy will go next week anyway, just not sure Dawson is worth it this week.
frenzy: hawks turned around since Reeves subbed out
frenzy: who else is there wada
original: go briggsy go
CamT: Dawson avoided the NM Sub vest.
shancrows: What has happened to Green he was so good at start of season sigh
wadaramus: Not really anything else this week frenzy!
wadaramus: I may just hold the trade for next week, but his DPP iwith Fisher is tempting.
FreeHughsy: ive almost had it with tom green
wadaramus: Leek Aleer was an option, but didn't want to pay 190K.
shancrows: I made too many sideways trades and bad premo choices :(
navy_blues: cadman needs to be on the mo ve not stanging waiting for ball to reach him
Noxious: I've got so many dud premos atm. Green, Oliver (never shouldve got him in) and Martin
Legix: Dear almost touched that on the line lol
miersmessi: Breust sub is always interesting
wadaramus: Green has had 20 with 10 contested, CD just don't like him.
Noxious: Oh Dear hahahaha
Legix: Oh he did lol
navy_blues: standing
shancrows: Same Nox. Looking forward to the offseason with sc and afl hahah focus on next year lol
miersmessi: Is dmoore a guarenteed f6 now
Noxious: Same Shan, this is my first year doing sc so it's been a bad start for me haha
Silz90: If dyl kicked straight he would be on 110 +
original: 6 free kicks for. absurd. he ducking a lot?
Silz90: Brought will day into my af side not bad so far
frenzy: first year haha still showering green
Noxious: This is turning into a decent game
wadaramus: Six frees for won't happen every week, but he looks as good a F6 as any other.
wadaramus: Good trade Silz.
LionBoy: Lousy gam. Magnificent quarter
naicosfan: hit 85 please t green u spud of a player
original: go tom green. lift
Raspel31: Seconded original!
circle52: 3rd oeiginal match winning goal for 20SC points
JohnHoward: im actually. a genius trading in whitfield this week
shancrows: Anyone else trade out D'ambros too quickly lol
naicosfan: thx
Silz90: Stating the obvious but umps have no idea
Noxious: Tom Green done more in the last 5 minutes than the rest of the game haha
LionBoy: Cmon Hawks. Deserve a break.
colin wood: briggs only a +2 for that clearance lol. If it was Gawn it would have been +20
colin wood: nvm they updated :)
Silz90: Such a bad free for ginna wowza
CamT: power weak umpiring
navy_blues: lmao
Noxious: Green what did you do
original: tom green so so dumb
naicosfan: goodbye tom greens 85
bhg26: Tom Green going to lose 100 points for that
SonOfAGun.: wow
Catatafish: Lol good one Green, you spud
thommoae: Well the umps decided this one.
soup: Green you are so shower
SwaggyP: put the whistle away.. goodness
navy_blues: sicily milked that to be fair
shancrows: What happened with green not watching
TimT14: Is that even a free?
StuL: So much for Green.
original: haynes lol that was awfu
Ninty: Lol Giants are frauds
Noxious: surprised green only lost 8 points for that
thommoae: comes back to that horrible htb not given against Ginnivan
original: did that cost green like 12 sc
pcaman2003: Well deserved win Hawks.
jlitza: comes back to ur 3rd quarter thom
CamT: Umps gifted Hawthorn that win.
navy_blues: ?lol ninty what about cats then? lose 4 in a row and got the W only against tigs
Hazza09: you fraud green
rustyc: Several contentious free all going to Hawks at the death... nasty
DaMeatloaf: Hurts to say as a geelong man but Will Day is bloody good at footy
bhg26: Hey Richmond are a hard team to beat navy
naicosfan: only tackles a diff comparing green and day.. interesting
Hazza09: absolute fraud
DiggaDogga: Tobes with the ghost! Ouch!
2Ph0nes: all went pear shaped when the peanut suggested Green for 130 lol
navy_blues: was showing ninty his team not going the best atm bhg thats all
2Ph0nes: naicos more to it than that educate yourself on the scoring system
bhg26: Agreed 2Ph0nes, save the player talking only when badmouthing them, look what i did to whitfield
SwaggyP: Hawks did well to fight back. But gifted the last few minutes of that game.
SwaggyP: This new AFL really shows you can let a game get down to an umpire call.
pcaman2003: The Hawks missed out on plenty of early frees,so balance out okay.

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