Chat Log: , .. drew ..
Match report • View fantasy scoresdafrance: cant wait to see how the japanese kid does
SpottyDog: Im Glad Yoshi got a game.
Kazakhstan: ohai
footycool: Is Brown Playing?
Prospector: Go the Roys!
Kazakhstan: olololol
chadwick: footycool no brown not playing. ground it very wet
chadwick: grant is one of the dogs subs (Wearing the subs top)
Prospector: BigBad missing?
Prospector: No yoshi
chadwick: brown,blask,power and mitch clarke not playing
Kazakhstan: flower channel 7
divvydan: i think it's grant and boumann subs for dogs
Harvey_29: m0nty maybe to add to your already successful page maybe put the players numbers next to their names?? what every1 think
Kazakhstan: fev to kick 2 goals
chadwick: Kazakhstan : it is a foxtel game in sa
Kazakhstan: harvey: no
Prospector: "sons of scott west" ...
budgy_14: yoshi is shower i played on him in under 18's last yr nothing special
jasondevo: @harvery_29 ... u dont need to... just click there name and u'll see it there
tigermania: 80mm of rain in the last 36 hours, thankfully no more for today
iwtfsp: luckily carlton werent scheduled for this game otherwise there wouldn't be a game
Steelers7: cooooooooon
Kazakhstan: fev!!!
NickNat: Hey guys! Mitchell adding 3 points after the game cost me $100 free bet, lets go Clark
tom_legend: any channels showing this?
NickNat: 111 he needs :) fevola and rich been doing arms curls all ps
saber05: where is hargrave?
Tigerssss: Good start for Fev
Shift: Go Griffen
craigib: this match is on fox sports 2 in wa!
tigermania: foxtel
DAZZLER: top 3 from other club ;)
tigermania: fox sports 2 in little old darwin
Chubbs1993: does anyone know where i can watch this online?
NickNat: mitch clark not even playing r u joking
Steelers7: game over
Prospector: top 3 have something to prove!
Kazakhstan: shermanator!!
chadwick: bandaid for charman. dislocated finger
tigermania: charman dislocated finger
Chubbs1993: Buchanan, wtf?
Kazakhstan: who are the subs?
barca: No browndog?
Frankdagun: callan ward should love these conditions
dafrance: 692326 join this dream team league plz
DAZZLER: does anyone know if you can go in more than one "Group" on Afl drem team??
IDIG: stats on polkinghorne? 2 FA's?
DAZZLER: I'm in DTF's one already and want to go in DTTalks one??
Frankdagun: rich is all class, just wish he was about 100k cheaper!
james1002: rather be on the luge in vancouver than pick tom collier in my team
pk-06: matty boyd = lock!
IDIG: who's missing from the doggy's best 22?
dvirdeez: go on
tigermania: pk 06 shhhhhhhhhh
Tigerssss: bj
geelFTW: in the NAB cup its only 4 games a week??!
Pezza45: Hey guys, who should i get Matty Boyd, Bernie Vince or jobe Watson?
dafrance: Amon Buchanan how much is he and is he worth it
pk-06: play nice tigermania
Kazakhstan: vince
IDIG: vince
Kazakhstan: who are the subs?
geelFTW: do they only play 4 games a week in the NAB cup?
Chubbs1993: Cooney out with the blood rule
thorgils: Staker in typical dt bluff mode
dvirdeez: go on to
Tigerssss: vince
Chubbs1993: Buchanan is $268,400
TassySwans: Why is Barry Hall not playing
IDIG: whats polkinghorne doing? 3rd time with a minus
jasondevo: footy info must be the most pathetic site in the world...
Chubbs1993: B.Hall has an ankle injury, nothing serious.
thorgils: I'd be happier if dvirdeez just went there honestly shizenHAUSEN
dvirdeez: go on
james1002: surley they will give out live SC scores this year! bs!
Steelers7: dogs still the same cant kick a goal
thorgils: Jasondevo, spot on, joke of a site
TassySwans: Chubbs. Will Hall play RD 1
yogibbear: that's it everyone get off the stack hype train. ZOMG back to restrucuturing your teams everyone
proud_lion: giv buchanan superman
IDIG: cant give out live sc cos too much adjusting goes on
Granty: doggies off to a slow start as usual
Steelers7: ponting 100!!!!
Chubbs1993: Yes, most likely TassySwans
Shift: Why is griffen doing bad
Frankdagun: had daniel cross last year and will have him this year
Alex7089: Is Buchanan playing in the middle??
geelFTW: shud i have johnston or rishowerelli in my SC team?
TassySwans: Thanks Chubbs
tom_legend: wow merrit 19 in a quarter! thats more then he usually scores in a game
james1002: i feel a tombstone going to buchanan.
geelFTW: Rischitelli*
buddy: good to be back on fan footy :D
Daniel_79: How badly injured is Charman>
m0nty: Can people please not spam their sites on here.
proud_lion: johnstone, his sc will be good so far he is killing it
FreoMundy: zomg buchanan is owning i am making him captain this year and brown isn't playing that means he is injured, wont choose
geelFTW: thanks proud_lion
Chubbs1993: is Rich worth considering? What are thoughts?
jasondevo: just ban them m0nty... easier!
lummas1: tombstone nicknat for spaming
geelFTW: :( i thought jed adcock was good
Kazakhstan: who are the lions' subs?
thorgils: m0nty your a gentlemen I would of just banned em.
m0nty: don't be a suck, IDIG. :)
Damion_09: wow Go Buchanan
billybaken: oh no josh hill is my captain! wait nevermind...
geelFTW: can someone tell me if adcock is worth being in my SC team?
j_rulz10: monty, do u make allot on the adds on this site??, if you do very smart
james1002: everyone will fall into the buchanan trap
jsilver: u r right is great
Damion_09: i dont reakcon James one good game does not make a good Dter
Kazakhstan: flower
IDIG: what about staker?
xavjustice: Why isn't Patty Rose playing?
IDIG: Monty how bout a keep me logged in option? just a thought im that lazy that i cant be bothered logging in most days
buddy: shermans hot ho thot
Steelers7: any chance of griffen hitting a target
BHLowe: y is lake playin forward??
budgy_14: is beams a sub
Damion_09: Aust 4/252 off 43 overs if anyone wanted to know
IDIG: anyone running with gilbee?
m0nty: That is an impressively feral beard by Johnstone there.
IDIG: ponto gone
Armagizmo: when is ryan griffen gonna come good!?
brendan023: cam white cam white cam white
Chubbs1993: is Cooney back on yet?
tom_legend: how many FA's for Buchanan
james1002: how much money do u earn monty from this site?
xavjustice: u can talk Monty....seen ur dp, it's fair feral haha
divvydan: griffen being tagged by stiller
proud_lion: i am one of the few lions supporters who think our new jumper actually looks good.
IDIG: im sure he's gonna tell u james...moron
m0nty: I earn a million dollars.
Steelers7: it was cam wight u doofus
geelFTW: people stop asking monty how much money he makes i dont think he will tell you!
IDIG: what is polkinghorne doing to get negatives? thats the 4th so far...he's my 7th fwd atm
tigermania: is that all monty
dafrance: hey games there will be a footy game for xbox that will come out in march
go hawks: where is buchanon playing?
buddy: yeww go brizzy
Muppett: he makes enough to not have to have a job
tigermania: cooney cant even escape a tag in the nab cup lol
DAZZLER: Someone needs to belt Leuenberger on the back of the scone...
Tigerssss: how many FA for polkinghorne
Damion_09: if his not going to tell u how much he earns from this website it means not much at all
james1002: thats wat i wanted to hear
DAZZLER: woops there ya go..
Wildesy: chief earns 10 million
Granty: just as well m0nty gets lots from advert or he would charge us a fee to join up
MuDDviLLe: Clearly no reason for him to tell you. FOOTBALL!
Armagizmo: polkinghorne 2 FA
m0nty: FanFooty is my job.
DAZZLER: dont give ideas Granty....
go hawks: where is buchanon?
geelFTW: wtf are rischitelli and johnstone twinss or something beside being 1 point behind rischitelli always scores the sametime
IDIG: how else do u get negatives in dt? apart from FA
xavjustice: Is Jesse O'Brien worth a look at 86k in SC on the bench?
Damion_09: lol get a REAL JOB then if this is your job
geelFTW: no m0nty fanfooty cant be a job its too fun :P well i dont run it but still
geelFTW: damion_09 he probably earns your yearly salary in a week
Armagizmo: lakes gone back to stand in front of fev
xavjustice: purple name game?
Damion_09: yea right.
rinski: who gives a flower wat monty earns seriously lets talk footy not about everyones life flower
grum88: I hope fev gets injured!
Alex7089: Damion he has a job, HE'S A JOURNALIST I konw an online journo on over 200k a year, call that a job mate?
xavjustice: png? png? png? png? png? png? png? png? png? png? png?
go hawks: how do you make money from this? serious question
m0nty: wait until half time, xav
IDIG: ads go hawks...
Damion_09: Here's a question for our Great Journalist , if you have so much good advice why are you never in the top 10 every year
grum88: adverts
xavjustice: cheers mont...keep up the good work u millionaire haha
Special_K: damion_09 he probably earns your yearly salary in a week?? I some how doubt that..............
Alex7089: If it's amon Buchanan I claim 71
grum88: Give the guy a break!
Scotty1: Have a look to your right and above go hawks, its called advertising
Frankdagun: bob murphy being typically lazy and not living up to his hype. Overated!
IDIG: idiotic question damion..
fatboys: rockliff doing very nicely for a cheapie
geelFTW: heres a question damion_09 why dont you shut up and concentrate on footy.. on another side.. gian for the flame??
go hawks: but if this is his onlt job,surely ads coulnt make that much?
Superfist: game on moles
Alex7089: damien that should've been ' Why aren't you in the top 10 every year'
grum88: Im tipppin AMon SC score will be less than DT if he keeps up 60% eff. and 5 clangers a half!!!
james1002: superfist u loser
Alex7089: go hawks I'm pretty sure every time the site gets a 'hit' he gets more money
Special_K: Hey Monty, whats happening with the site this season. Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of revamp??
sharpie: gia - confirming his selection in my swuad
IDIG: go hawks - look at the brands he's advertising...they're all huge names. he'd be making a decent amount
sharpie: gia - confirming his selection in my squad
fatboys: attention go hawks - if monty has 5 advertiers paying 1000 each a week for advertising, its 260k for the year. Not bad!!
Damion_09: if your playing spelling Bee games its "Damion" not damien
Kazakhstan: fairly innacurate game so far. =O
grum88: im tippin it would be based on clicks maybe, monty would have to answer tha i guess
cherries08: fat boys, footy is not played for 52 weeks of the year
steven_ora: do you guys reckon giansuricusa is worth getting this year?
go hawks: if thats true, sweet job. doing nothing most of the time
cherries08: if monty is making a packet (of which he has stated b4 that he is not) then good luck to him
m0nty: Special_K, what would you like to see revamped?
cherries08: he has pioneered DT in oz really and made a lot of footy schmucks decent dt players
rinski: hahahaah uz all have no idea ay lol wat u think they just say hey ill advertise on ur site and give ya 1000 a week sweet
Frankdagun: are you watching the game kaza? the ground is soaked
fatboys: this site is looked at from Jan till say Oct by many many users, so lets say 40 weeks, its still 200k
budgy_14: u r a dikhead DAMION ha
IDIG: Monty - a 'keep me logged in' option wold be good
geelFTW: hey m0nty can i make a suggestion... could u make the score print bigger plzz for my liking its to small
Damion_09: haha coming from a 14 year old
m0nty: I can assure you all that I don't make six figures out of FF.
IDIG: rinski he'd be able to produce reports to show how many hits he gets a week, month, etc..during peak periods & so forth
CFC 1979: mOnty - will the scores at the top stay small all year or is it to fit the extra players in ?
fatboys: rinski its actually related to the number of visitors to the site, but even if its 1000 a week its super cheap
xavjustice: can do this yourself in your browser....go view then zoom
m0nty: geelFTW - you can increase the font in your browser, can't you?
cherries08: 4 weeks NAB, 4 weeks finals (reduced clientele) and 22 H&A = 30 weeks
budgy_14: lol good call considering im 19 now pipe down ya clown ya only makin yaself look stupid.
m0nty: Oh, you mean the team scores.... yeah, let me fix that now.
CFC 1979: ok
budgy_14: or down the bottom right there is the zoom button just click that
Damion_09: yeah everyone now we can move on from moneys pay
geelFTW: yer no m0nty got it right the team based scores like
fatboys: cooney one of most over rated midfielders ever. was l uckiest winner of brownlow since hardie
iwtfsp: yer team scores need 2 be bigger
geelFTW: and thanks a million monty
wceagles: m0nty on the player page can you add the date to the comments section?
Robez: how much is buchanan ?
steven_ora: gia or higgins for dt this year
grum88: Yep, keep me logged in option would be sweet but not reall that hard to log in.
wceagles: *date the comment was submitted
tferrier18: where's buchanan playing? I haven't been able to watch the match...?
IDIG: +1 the wceagles the bottom there should be adate next to the comments
Superfanta: Hey Monty, just wondering if u use adsense or your site or affiliate advertising. The latter will bring u better returns
m0nty: there, that should fix it.
schulzy76: if u wanna stay logged in then just dont log out thats wat i do
fatboys: monty, when you click on playet link it doesnt seem to show you their DT or SC price???
m0nty: I don't use Adsense any more, Superfanta. I'm with a different ad agency.
Superfanta: ah I can see you use affiliates or an ad network platform - good work
geelFTW: oh yer thanks m0nty scores are alot better now
wceagles: m0nty would is be possible to add the date a player comment was submitted
Superfanta: you may want to look into becoming an affiliate for related products such as sports betting etc. Cut out the middle man.
m0nty: wceagles, yep I'll add that in.
m0nty: Superfanta - already in talks about that.
schulzy76: stop telling m0nty what to do the sites fine as it is
IDIG: id also move the add from below the text box to above the one on the right..i didnt even know it was there tbh
fatboys: monty, when you click on playet link it doesnt seem to show you their DT or SC price in player details ???
wceagles: cheers :)
Superfanta: sounds good monty good work - i appreciate the informative site
IDIG: anyone give the doggys a chance of winning this?
m0nty: fatboys, yep I need to set that up... this week
geelFTW: schulzy76 i agree the website is great but he asked someone how he could make it better and i thought i could ask aswell
bradway: Quaters have been shortened for the 2nd half
geelFTW: i mean i could tell him how to make the website better... sorry sundays are my lazy days :P
Frankdagun: 20 minute 1/4's = less points?
Steelers7: greatle needs a score of 150+
Superfanta: any chance u could do an a article on risky players and how many u should be looking at for team structure?
smithboy: ?
Superfanta: by risky players i mean injury prone etc that could bring high returns
super33: one of the betting agencies should run a DT group comp with a massive first prize
bradway: 17 minute quaters for the 2nd half due bad light
grum88: Montys not stupid, he knows if were happy as users the he can still make a decent crst from this site.
CFC 1979: anyone having trouble with being logged out of the site without doing or is it at my end ?
steven_ora: coooooo
Steelers7: cooooooooooon
SpottyDog: is it wet at the game???
grum88: Monty you reckon Ayce Cordy will geta guernsey this year?
Frankdagun: leunberger worth a punt as 2nd ruck?
bradway: wettest ground for a long time
geelFTW: lol wtf?! i refresh once and cooney goes from 20 it 38 haha
MuDDviLLe: Come on Doggies, time to lift.
asmodean: can anyone watching tell me how moles is going?
schulzy76: spottydog- it is wet as. every time someone steps water goes everywhere
bradway: Ayce Cordy no chance grum88, confirmed by WB assistant coach on SEN Friday night
steven_ora: moles had a very good first half
grum88: Coon just kicked a goal, dogs are gonna win this i reckon
steven_ora: interchange infrigement
grum88: yeh thoughts so Bradway, cheers
geelFTW: j sherman for the flame monty??
asmodean: Cheers Steven. Geelong supporter, just wondering how hes going haha
Granty: is fevola missing in action?
chadwick: dyson is on
schulzy76: dogs looking much better
Steelers7: go roughie
Danog: What's happening with Adcock? Does he have a different role now?
steven_ora: giansuricusa flame
plmko271: anyone know what's happened to charman?
steven_ora: moles has great hands
Granty: Gian is capt today & leading by example!
CFC 1979: not watching game - how wet is it?
tomsdons: M0nty, Is it hard to maintain a site like this? Will Butcher play this year?
chadwick: Granty, poor day for full forwards
DALGER: 6 goals and into the 3rd quarter? I know its wet but it would be a pretty poor spectical
schulzy76: as a dogs supporter i think gia is great for sc/dt but is overated. he gets the cheap touches
Steelers7: just nine more shots at goal and the dogs might be in front
WCEFanatic: Just got on but whys hall not playing?
tomsdons: I woul've thought that they would trial Brown and Fevola together???????
bradway: someone could drown if they were on the bottom a pack CFC
Armagizmo: tomsdons butcher wont play he's a kp he'll need time to develop
schulzy76: it was extremely wet but has dried up a bit
m0nty: I wish the commentators would tell us who got subbed off.
schulzy76: hall has a miner ankle problem nothing major
tomsdons: 'kp'???? Thanks mate..Armagizmo
CFC 1979: tnx bradway
chadwick: pigs ass it has dried up. still see the water every step anyone takes.
DAZZLER: Cheap or not schulzy, they are points, i'll take them...
bradway: Roughead is a big body now, could be a chance for a few games this year
Armagizmo: @tomsdons a key position player: needs a much bigger body to be competitive among men.
Steelers7: did murphy get subbed?
divvydan: haven't seen murphy in this half, he might have been subbed off
schulzy76: true dazzler
steven_ora: doggies in front!!! woohoohoo
chadwick: gees the men in green love the dogs
DAZZLER: BTW, i do know what you mean Schulzy
Armagizmo: same as jack watts last year, he'll just get showered all over at afl level.
MuDDviLLe: Roughy, good stuff.
Frankencow: Bah, shouldn't have made Boumann captain...
bradway: winner of this plays Hawthorn in a fortnight
Granty: Go Roughie!! I may consider you as Ruck in my bench!
Kazakhstan: flower
schulzy76: every team has one dazzler
Kazakhstan: hilarious, frankencow.
DALGER: Can someone tell me what the FF scoring system entails?
asmodean: not entirely sure on the whole rookie situation - can a club play a rookie in a season game?
Robez: how much is jordan roughead?
NickNat: josh related to ricky?
NickNat: if they have a long term injury
bradway: rookie has to be elevated before round one in order to play
Alex7089: This match fails like hell
asmodean: cheers
Granty: Roughead DT $94500 Robez
bradway: to be elevated the team must have a spot available on the senior list
Robez: granty is he likely to play a game in real season?
banger: Umpires keeping dogs in the game. Must have been watching too much Soccer in the off-season.
Granty: at least he is not a rookie, in 2nd yr, quite solid & tall, brother of Roughead in Hawks, hard to say if he will or not
steven_ora: higgins or gia for dt this year
Chubbs1993: Jordan Roughead is 200cm and 92kg, looks good. Might need another year in the VFL to develop.
xavjustice: not brother....cousin
Chubbs1993: I can't see him playing with Hudson and Minson - might go Lobbe and Skipper over him
chadwick: there u go monty, think it is harwood and obrien off for lions
Granty: oops thnk xavjustice for correction
Robez: anyone think xavier clarke will get a game for the lions this year?
bradway: Skipper is a rookie Chubbs, might not get elevayed either
lummas1: robez clarke is injured until mid year with a knee injury
Chubbs1993: Rockliff for $101,100 might be a good option on forward line bench.
chadwick: redden looks alright
Danny_Bhoy: Bad game for Supercoach.
Robez: oh sorry i didnt know that
Chubbs1993: Very true bradway.
correct: will brad sheppard get game time for the eagles this season???
chadwick: sherman teasing again
IDIG: who's everyone's 7th forward?
DALGER: @IDIG 7th fwd is Chris Mayne
Chubbs1993: Dangerfield is my 7th forward.
SpottyDog: mines dangerfeild
xavjustice: 7th forward might be Moore, Rockliff, Hitchcock at this rate....not too much depth atm unfortunantely
Alex7089: Tapscott for me IDIG, also have TDL and Cosbault(spelling) Iwill rotate between the three
Tigerssss: wonaeamirri as 7th forward
chadwick: correct: absolutely, at some point this year he will
xavjustice: Yep or Mayne. Vezpremi might get a go. Or Burton
Danny_Bhoy: 7th forward is Dangerfield
pie time: pods and gumby at the moment..
schulzy76: what about phil davis or brett burton for 7th forward?
xavjustice: Or TDL. Or Podsiadly. OK there's HEAPS of options
Danny_Bhoy: Casboult? Dunno how many games he will play Alex7089
tigermania: too early to tell idig about the 7th forward, ive got 5 or 6 options
Chubbs1993: Trent Dennis-Lane is a good bench option, i wouldn't put him on your field. Scored 5 goals in the intra club match.
cdrobert: mayne
xavjustice: Rockliff is getting some good numbers. Does Fev look weird in a lions jumper?
Alex7089: Danny Bhoy I read hw will start over henderson early so...
chadwick: xavjustice, hitchcock is a SC player not a DTer
m0nty: I don't like that Paddlepop Lion. Bring back the Fitzroy lion.
IDIG: thoughts on moore as a 7th? danger is actually my 5th haha and ziebell 6th
dafrance: her her monty
xavjustice: chadwick, are we talking 7th forward in DT or SC? Or Both?
chadwick: fat lady
xavjustice: wouldn't get Ziebell, he'll cop the tag
tigermania: dont be fooled by rockliff, no power or balck in the midfield
chadwick: no i was making the point that hitchcock wont score well in DT
Danny_Bhoy: Really Alex? Havent seen that. I heard he did some good things in the intraclub match.
SpottyDog: I think im close to PNG
Chubbs1993: Wow Rockliff 85. 101k, on my radar
xavjustice: fair enough. I might abandon DT this year, purely on SC preference
Rigadonis: Higgins Hurt!
Alex7089: read the entire report on the CFC intra on heraldsun, It was said there
Rigadonis: Which player for PNG?
pie time: charman was my emg for rucks, looks like he has not done much..
Anzac: yeah agree chubbs
numberwang: when will ayce cordy get a run?
xavjustice: claye beams....a player to watch! NOT!!!!!!
Chubbs1993: winded
GOGOS2GAJ!: is higgins alright? corky?
steven_ora: higgins hurt his knee in a smother should be ok for next week but wont come back on
Chump.: is higgins alright?
Rigadonis: Jack Redden looks alright? Rockliff?
Alex7089: numberwang I know his brother and he's focusing on his studies (medicine) at the moment I think
correct: cruize garlett or daniel connors??????????
GOGOS2GAJ!: thx for the update so there just taking a relaxed approach he could come back on but won't?
steven_ora: 1 min left
dafrance: jack redden i would watch him
numberwang: alex - you saying levi is leading henderson?
pk-06: no more cooney and i will get png
schulzy76: i reckon higgins twisted his ankle. it looked like it on the replay
xavjustice: biomedicine alex7089 at melb uni i think
steven_ora: Doggies win
Alex7089: flower you Western Bulldogs I wanted to see more of brisbane, selfish bastards
Chubbs1993: Redden is 265k, bit risty for the price line. He did get two 100+ scores
phenom: what a crap game
bradway: Hawks V Bulldogs in 2 weeks
Chubbs1993: last year
Scratchy: why is redden's FF score so high. i'm not watching so other than 17 disposals what has he done??
schulzy76: buchanon=frontrunner
Alex7089: Numberwang I was talking about ayce, I'm friends with his brother Zaine,probs won't play this year
samwise: what are you doing bulldogs! we want to watch brisbane
banger: umpires won it for them 3 cheers for them hip..........
Alex7089: I think he is. Henderson getting usedto playing forward
schulzy76: buchanan=frontrunner
fatboys: finally I won PNG. Whoo hoo. do i have it all next week m0nty?
Kazakhstan: fuuuu--
Kazakhstan: rockliff! =O
Tigerssss: Where is Hargrave
xavjustice: Beams...-12 WTF!!!!!
higgins76: cooney
sakic19: holy crap beams!!!! what a gun!!!
wildcougar: umpires win plenty of games for the dogs Bangerm. Its a bloody joke!!!