British 15's - 2014 Discussion thread

Started by PowerBug, January 13, 2014, 06:25:34 PM

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I am for it. Even though I think I will be disadvantaged by it.


Justin Bieber


Im against it, but not passionately so!


I don't think its necessary but it'd probably help us sooo :P


A question has been asked if we trade players from the National and Rookie draft are they classified as movements.

Rule 5.8  A player movement is defined as when a player on your list from the previous season (initial draft for initial season) is traded to another team. Draft picks or players you have received as part of a trade can be on traded without being considered a player movement.

This is not real clear as can be interpreted in a couple of ways.

My interpretation is that they would class as movements because you have actually drafted them into your team to complete your list and now trading out would be a movement in my opinion.  Open to discussion though and Rule should be amended to clarify.


The latter half of the rule states that a player we draft can be on-traded and not considered a movement.

Therefore, I could trade Billings for Player X (for example) and it wouldn't be a movement... well, that's my interpretation.


This is where the interpretation differs and needs to be clarified and am happy for discussion to continue as I read it and interpret it as Only Draft picks and players received as a result of trade can not be counted as a movement.  So I am saying that players received in the 2 drafts were not part of a trade and any traded pick that was used to draft in the 2 drafts negates the pick for on trading. 


Oh okay, I guess it really depends how you read the rule.


It makes it hard IMO. Possibly gives a benefit to someone who chose to trade a pick as he can on trade for nothing compared to someone who drafted using the same pick and cant?
Does the person who traded in the pick, get to on trade for no movement the player he drafted?


There is getting a little more confusion so I will spell out my interpretation nice and simply players drafted in the National and Rookie Drafts if traded will be classed as a player movement.



I'll take my 2014 wooden spoon now kthx.


Do not think with your list Nige you will take wooden spoon our in our awards Dungeon Award.