British 15's - 2014 Discussion thread

Started by PowerBug, January 13, 2014, 06:25:34 PM

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Quote from: kilbluff1985 on February 04, 2014, 10:41:14 AM

i know it's our fault blah blah blah for not having trades left

Hit the nail on the head right there.

No matter how late it was, there is/was always going to be more information available to everyone at the second trade period.

Newspaper articles on teams, injuries, DPP info, injury updates...

If someone chose to use the trades early then they made that choice, while other chose to wait and get as much info as possible.

Play on.


but watching players play is to much of any advantage way different then just newspaper articles cant believe your trying to compare them


I'm kinda with SR though, you knew by using your movements early that you were going to starve yourself of valuable info later down the track.

And to be fair, the NAB is a pretty shower indicator. Teams experiment with spuds through the midfield and play a bunch of kids. It's basically a hurdle when it comes to sorting out fantasy teams! Only reason we so keenly wait for it is because we haven't had footy for 6 months!


As I said KB it is dependent on when Sportal make their announcement. Was torn between two options:

1. Keeping current trade end date - and then when Sportal announced its comp and if scoring system changed greatly then allow a one week trading period only.

2. Extend till Sportal announce and then make decision on training finalisation. eg if no change then only allow another 2 days for trade. Review if change is great.

Made the decision to go with 2nd option as it is better administratively for me atm.


While the decision made doesn't really affect me either way (since I'm out of movements), I'd probably prefer option one (even if I had movements).

Honestly though, I don't regret using my movements like I did. I inherited the wooden-spooners and I reckon I've done a fair bit to turn it into a fairly competitive outfit (which, to be fair, it already was... monstrum just didn't name the team half the weeks). 


Will put out a vote as there are a couple of differing opinions,

Thinking these options:

1. Close existing Trade Period at 7:00pm EST on Wednesday 12th February. If Sportal scoring sytem changes drastically allow a one week trading period From Sunday 2nd March till Sunday 9th March with an additional 3 movements allowed. Adminstrator to make judgement on scoring rule changes.

2. Extend trade period Pending Sportal Announcement with final date at discretion of Administrator based on the Sportal scoring system.

Know 1 may not be popular with some with the extra 3 movements but believe it is necessary if scoring system changes drastically. Reason being Trades were based on existing scoring so any major change needs to be considered in that light. I will be making judgement on that one.


I'm gonna have more movements than to know what to do with :P


i'm not that fussed i'm happy with my team i just think it's an advantage to watch players play and can still trade




I am for option 2.

The issue with Option 1 is that no one wants to trade until we know for sure nothing is changing.
Then if it closes on the 12th and there is no real change, trading is finished so people who held on lose out.
Dont have a problem with the extra movements for people if there is major change, people with existing team with movements will need someone to trade with if they want to fix teams as well!


Justin Bieber

I got 2 trades left, but don't care. I doubt I'll be trading much anyways. And I was bad luck to kb


when we meant to name rookies by again?


Supposed to be next week but it will be in abeyance until we sort out the scoring sustem to be used.  Will give revised timetable when announced.