Brisbane Trades and Draft discussion Thread

Started by Ringo, September 10, 2014, 10:47:34 AM

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meow meow

^ That is the only way that the system is fair. If Frawley goes to the Hawks, they should have to give up their first round pick and it should go to Melbourne. It's almost the same as trading except for the fact that players are still able to choose their destination club. If the Hawks were not going to give up their pick 20 for Frawley then he's sure as hell not worth pick 3.


Quote from: Ringo on October 02, 2014, 01:27:16 PM
Heard this idea for Comp picks and do not mind it.

Similar to Father and Son bidding they club the free Agency player is going to must use that Round Pick to get the player. Know it does not compensate the club losing the player and using Frawley as an example and assuming it was decided he is worth the a first round pick would the club be prepared to give up their first round pick..

may help clubs to reatin players and stop players going to Top 4 clubs.
I really like this idea. It makes Free Agency really fair in my view, and it eliminates the need to add extra compensation picks to the draft.

This would mean Free Agency is used less for players like Frawley. Really, I think it should be there for people like de-listed free agents to use, not for people like Frawley to use and go wherever he wants to at no cost for the club getting him when he is still a wanted player in the competition.


Quote from: BB67th on October 02, 2014, 01:55:50 PM
Quote from: Ringo on October 02, 2014, 01:27:16 PM
Heard this idea for Comp picks and do not mind it.

Similar to Father and Son bidding they club the free Agency player is going to must use that Round Pick to get the player. Know it does not compensate the club losing the player and using Frawley as an example and assuming it was decided he is worth the a first round pick would the club be prepared to give up their first round pick..

may help clubs to reatin players and stop players going to Top 4 clubs.
I really like this idea. It makes Free Agency really fair in my view, and it eliminates the need to add extra compensation picks to the draft.

This would mean Free Agency is used less for players like Frawley. Really, I think it should be there for people like de-listed free agents to use, not for people like Frawley to use and go wherever he wants to at no cost for the club getting him when he is still a wanted player in the competition.
The problem with ideas like this (which I think is a good idea) is that the players won't agree to it. The players pushed for free agency to come in so that they had more control over where they played.

Seriously doubt the players will agree to something that reduces that ability that they have now.


Quote from: Ringo on October 02, 2014, 01:27:16 PM
Heard this idea for Comp picks and do not mind it.

Similar to Father and Son bidding they club the free Agency player is going to must use that Round Pick to get the player. Know it does not compensate the club losing the player and using Frawley as an example and assuming it was decided he is worth the a first round pick would the club be prepared to give up their first round pick..

may help clubs to reatin players and stop players going to Top 4 clubs.

but that would also outprice the weaker clubs with high draft picks. If the roles were reversed, Melbourne would have to cough up pick 3 for Frawley...which they certainly wouldn't want to do. It gives the stronger clubs far more scope to use their first pick, because it isn't as valuable in the market.


Quote from: dirkdiggler on October 02, 2014, 02:50:31 PM
but that would also outprice the weaker clubs with high draft picks. If the roles were reversed, Melbourne would have to cough up pick 3 for Frawley...which they certainly wouldn't want to do. It gives the stronger clubs far more scope to use their first pick, because it isn't as valuable in the market.

Very good point.. I like the idea however Ringo, I really do.

They could possible tweak that idea and say FA picks can only be used after pick 15 or something like that so if Melbourne were to gain a player of that calibre they would be able to trade their next existing pick which would be a low 20's pick? Doesn't exactly benefit the good team that loses the player but the lower team benefits and nobody really loses within the draft as they all get the best players which are generally in the first round (if they were to target a FA, and if not they keep their pick they had). It would help in making the league more equal in the fact that good teams have to give up more compared to the lower teams who have to give up less in that scenario, and would mean nobody gets shafted a spot in the draft unless they were to chase a FA and nobody screams and whines that it occurs.

Hopefully that makes sense.. But yes, something definitely has to occur.

Big Mac

What exactly is the point of FA when players can already move to a club of their choice via requesting a trade.?

Mailman the 2nd

Quote from: Big  Mac on October 02, 2014, 03:36:09 PM
What exactly is the point of FA when players can already move to a club of their choice via requesting a trade.?

To give more power to players to do whatever they want. The whole thing has been constantly shoved down the throats of everyone by the Players Association.

In reality its achieved nothing, the players people think it was supposed to be introduced for are guys who go through the preseason draft anyway.

Guys like Frawley, Malceski, Franklin and Ablett should've been traded instead of the fiascos that's happened. You'll see that almost no coaches in the AFL have openly supported the idea

Big Mac

Quote from: Mailman the 2nd on October 02, 2014, 03:57:50 PM
Quote from: Big  Mac on October 02, 2014, 03:36:09 PM
What exactly is the point of FA when players can already move to a club of their choice via requesting a trade.?

To give more power to players to do whatever they want. The whole thing has been constantly shoved down the throats of everyone by the Players Association.

In reality its achieved nothing, the players people think it was supposed to be introduced for are guys who go through the preseason draft anyway.

Guys like Frawley, Malceski, Franklin and Ablett should've been traded instead of the fiascos that's happened. You'll see that almost no coaches in the AFL have openly supported the idea

I see this but then I also see players like Clark, who are not eligible for Free Agency, shopping themselves around and ending up at a club that they have chosen, independent of their current club's wishes.

Edit: FTR i'm just trying to figure out how the inception of free agency was even justified in the first place.

Mailman the 2nd

Quote from: Big  Mac on October 02, 2014, 04:15:15 PM
I see this but then I also see players like Clark, who are not eligible for Free Agency, shopping themselves around and ending up at a club that they have chosen, independent of their current club's wishes.

Clark is an entirely unique situation though, given his retirement/return conditions were special. What he's doing is very similar to FA though, which is not useful at all to AFL.

Big Mac

Quote from: Mailman the 2nd on October 02, 2014, 04:47:11 PM
Quote from: Big  Mac on October 02, 2014, 04:15:15 PM
I see this but then I also see players like Clark, who are not eligible for Free Agency, shopping themselves around and ending up at a club that they have chosen, independent of their current club's wishes.

Clark is an entirely unique situation though, given his retirement/return conditions were special. What he's doing is very similar to FA though, which is not useful at all to AFL.

What about Liam Jones and Jason Tutt? Aren't they doing the same thing? Not sure but I don't remember reading that Clark had any special conditions.


Yeah I see where you are coming from Big Mac - guys like Polec last year, and guys like Jones, Tutt, Clark and Gorringe this year make it seem like players are able to go where they choose even without FA.

I know FA is meant to be about giving players more of a decision about where they want to play, but heaps of players already get this through trades anyway.


Do not like that players can walk out of a club and nominate where they want to go to and expect the club to trade with that club. If a player wants out it should be up to the club to get the best deal for him not being forced to accept what the club he is going to offer knowing that they are in the box seat.

We were screwed with the go home boys last year and could have got a lot more by dealing with other clubs.


Quote from: _wato on October 02, 2014, 03:10:50 PM
Quote from: dirkdiggler on October 02, 2014, 02:50:31 PM
but that would also outprice the weaker clubs with high draft picks. If the roles were reversed, Melbourne would have to cough up pick 3 for Frawley...which they certainly wouldn't want to do. It gives the stronger clubs far more scope to use their first pick, because it isn't as valuable in the market.

Very good point.. I like the idea however Ringo, I really do.

They could possible tweak that idea and say FA picks can only be used after pick 15 or something like that so if Melbourne were to gain a player of that calibre they would be able to trade their next existing pick which would be a low 20's pick? Doesn't exactly benefit the good team that loses the player but the lower team benefits and nobody really loses within the draft as they all get the best players which are generally in the first round (if they were to target a FA, and if not they keep their pick they had). It would help in making the league more equal in the fact that good teams have to give up more compared to the lower teams who have to give up less in that scenario, and would mean nobody gets shafted a spot in the draft unless they were to chase a FA and nobody screams and whines that it occurs.

Hopefully that makes sense.. But yes, something definitely has to occur.

Precisely. Whatever happens, the weak sides first round draft order should not be effected by things out of their control.


Quote from: Ringo on October 02, 2014, 05:30:52 PM
Do not like that players can walk out of a club and nominate where they want to go to and expect the club to trade with that club. If a player wants out it should be up to the club to get the best deal for him not being forced to accept what the club he is going to offer knowing that they are in the box seat.

We were screwed with the go home boys last year and could have got a lot more by dealing with other clubs.

although in fairness...Beams is doing precisley that. There is welfare issue to consider. However, for me, if Beams was THAT deseperate he could just quit football and move to QLD. Footy is only a job after all.
It's a difficult one...personally I would like to see clubs having to hand some salary cap over to the other club when the trade is clearly not in the interests of clubs like Brisbane. As you point out, Lions got reamed and nothing like the value they deserved.


The Pies have given a deadline of 5pm on friday to get trade done and still demanding Pick4/5 and a class player.

Even though Sauce has attracted interest from Dogs, Crows and Dees I reckon we should offer him to Coast for their Compensation pick and then offer Pies Pick4/5 and comp pick and that should get deal done.