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Off Season Trade Rumours

Started by Ricochet, September 01, 2014, 02:44:32 PM

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Quote from: Ricochet on October 28, 2014, 11:58:02 PM
To be fair, pretty such he still had 2 years (might only be 1, not 100%) left on his contract at the Pies

We complain that contracts mean nothing these days when players break them... Same should go for coaches

Disagree mate, there seems to be an unwritten rule that if an assistant is offered a senior coaching role the clubs release them with their best wishes which is fair otherwise you'll have assistants that aspire to a senior coaching role signing one year deals only if this is going to be the norm. Comparing coaches and players in this situation is apples and oranges.


Quote from: Grazz on October 29, 2014, 12:03:49 AM
Quote from: Ricochet on October 28, 2014, 11:58:02 PM
To be fair, pretty such he still had 2 years (might only be 1, not 100%) left on his contract at the Pies

We complain that contracts mean nothing these days when players break them... Same should go for coaches

Disagree mate, there seems to be an unwritten rule that if an assistant is offered a senior coaching role the clubs release them with their best wishes which is fair otherwise you'll have assistants that aspire to a senior coaching role signing one year deals only if this is going to be the norm. Comparing coaches and players in this situation is apples and oranges.
Don't disagree at all mate. Pies have said they will let him go, they just want to be compensated for the rest of his contract. Which I personally think is fair.


Quote from: Ricochet on October 29, 2014, 12:08:55 AM
Quote from: Grazz on October 29, 2014, 12:03:49 AM
Quote from: Ricochet on October 28, 2014, 11:58:02 PM
To be fair, pretty such he still had 2 years (might only be 1, not 100%) left on his contract at the Pies

We complain that contracts mean nothing these days when players break them... Same should go for coaches

Disagree mate, there seems to be an unwritten rule that if an assistant is offered a senior coaching role the clubs release them with their best wishes which is fair otherwise you'll have assistants that aspire to a senior coaching role signing one year deals only if this is going to be the norm. Comparing coaches and players in this situation is apples and oranges.
Don't disagree at all mate. Pies have said they will let him go, they just want to be compensated for the rest of his contract. Which I personally think is fair.

If Eade has been paid for 2015 already then i think it's Eade that should be returning his wages for that 12 months that he wont honour. I totally agree if dollars have changed hands for the full term of the contract then the club loosing that coach should be compensated for those funds for the period left on the contract and to me that should come from the coach in question otherwise he's double dipping and i don't agree with that at all. It has to be a two way street, you are under contract but the club is kind enough to let you go then do the right thing and return the amount that is outstanding.

Edit: Just to clarify mate is this the issue we are discussing, the wages/salary already paid to the coach leaving.


Quote from: Grazz on October 29, 2014, 12:18:22 AM
Quote from: Ricochet on October 29, 2014, 12:08:55 AM
Quote from: Grazz on October 29, 2014, 12:03:49 AM
Quote from: Ricochet on October 28, 2014, 11:58:02 PM
To be fair, pretty such he still had 2 years (might only be 1, not 100%) left on his contract at the Pies

We complain that contracts mean nothing these days when players break them... Same should go for coaches

Disagree mate, there seems to be an unwritten rule that if an assistant is offered a senior coaching role the clubs release them with their best wishes which is fair otherwise you'll have assistants that aspire to a senior coaching role signing one year deals only if this is going to be the norm. Comparing coaches and players in this situation is apples and oranges.
Don't disagree at all mate. Pies have said they will let him go, they just want to be compensated for the rest of his contract. Which I personally think is fair.

If Eade has been paid for 2015 already then i think it's Eade that should be returning his wages for that 12 months that he wont honour. I totally agree if dollars have changed hands for the full term of the contract then the club loosing that coach should be compensated for those funds for the period left on the contract and to me that should come from the coach in question otherwise he's double dipping and i don't agree with that at all. It has to be a two way street, you are under contract but the club is kind enough to let you go then do the right thing and return the amount that is outstanding.

Edit: Just to clarify mate is this the issue we are discussing, the wages/salary already paid to the coach leaving.
Yeh mate, not questioning whether he should be leave or not. Just that Pies should be able to claim compo


Yeh i gotta agree if money for 2015 has changed hands already. As i said in the PM im not up to speed how coaches contracts are paid in the AFL. Like are they paid monthly yearly or the full amount changes hands the day they start work for the club. If the full amount is paid i'd find this a little silly considering alot of assistants would aspire to a senior position.

If Eddies argument is the wages paid for 2015 then i have no issue with that at all, fairs fair Eades been paid for work he won't complete and being old school i feel it would be up to Eade to return the portion of money he would of received for season 2015 ie
if it was a four year contract at 100k (using these figures only to keep it simple) then Eade would owe the Pies a 100k, how the tax on that amount is returned is a little tricky i guess, wether Eade pays that or his new club pays it to make up the 100k owed to the Pies i don't really know but yeh someone owes it.

As i said im old school and wouldn't ask my new employee to pay it and i'd feel obligated to return it and it should be returned after all the club has released you from their contract so you can move onto bigger and better things and you don't intend to complete the term of the contract.

I guess it's all conjecture if we don't know how Eade has been paid.


I think my main issue with it all is that Eddie thinks it is ok to continually use his radio/tv gigs to air his issues and dirty laundry.

A real CEO would be having the conversations in private and sorting them out. GC havent even confirmed that Eade is the one they want and Eddie is already using his radio show as a platform to get publicity on the event.

Mailman the 2nd

You reap the shower you sow eddie


Eddie is just an A-Grade flowerwit.


We all get on Eddies case from time to time, myself included. Love him or loathe him he is a very good club President and would walk through fire for Collingwood. Compensation so it seems is nothing new which may surprise a few of us it did me. Port sought compensation from the Saints for Richardson and got some, Port also compensated GC for Hart so i imagine it has happened in other instances aswell with other clubs, it just has been aired in public before. Yep this has been Eddie's doing he decided to use his media profile to air it which isnt entirely a bad thing as we all are now aware that it does take place whereas before most of us would of had little idea it happened at all.

To be honest if a club is significantly out of pocket for what we all deem as doing the right thing by releasing someone from a contract to go to head coaching role then it's only fair that they be compensated or reimbursed which i think is a better word.
Clubs can't afford to lose a 100k here a 150k there regardless of their wealth or lack of, you run a business like that you wont have it long.

Ideally what we all need to know before becoming the lynch mob for Eddie is what exactly the reimbursement is for and how much is it. Without knowing this it's hard to make a fair call on wether it's justified or a sookie sookie lala event.

I too at first thought c'mon man suck it up, the right thing is to let him go to a senior coaching role, so many clubs in the past have done it why are you bucking the trend but since it's been brought out in the open like it has ive changed my tune a little. It's a lot more complicated than i first thought, there is significant amounts of money involved, there has been a precedent set in the past by other clubs and reading between the lines there is some relevance to Eddie's argument, we just are not aware of all the details, the proof is always in the detail.

I hope more of this is released and we get all the details as to what and why, then i think i'll be able to make a better judgement, thats a good thing as tbh im always disappointed in myself if make a half baked assumption without knowing all the details only to see those ive baked vindicated in the end. We all do it even after we've said maybe next time i'll wait for all the facts haha but i/we rarely do wait for all the facts as it takes to long and i want my opinion heard.


Well said mate. It'll be interesting when/if all the details do come out.


Quote from: Ricochet on October 29, 2014, 02:51:42 PM
Well said mate. It'll be interesting when/if all the details do come out.

I hope it does all come out, im busy thinking who or how i can find the devil in the detail. It's interesting and at some point will affect all our respective clubs, be nice to know what we are discussing is all about.


Trying to get the article out of Local Courier Mail with out luck to post.

"Article starts off with Gold Coast refusing to budge to Eddies bully boy tactics  and has some interesting facts - Port only paid $20k for Richardson but reports Pies are seeking nearly $200k to release Eade to Suns which appears way over unless his 2015 Salary has been prepaid.

Suns are reportedly willing to meet recruitment costs of Pies and any relocation costs for successful coach to move from interstate.  Think this would be fair compensation in the circumstances.


If Eade has already been paid for next year this might get interesting don't see how that is the Suns problem without looking at his contract it is hard to say what will happen , lesson don't pay people in advance


Cory Dell'Olio, Dylan van Unen and Fraser Thurlow have all been advised their contracts will not be renewed for the 2015 season.


Pretty surprised about Dell tbh.