WXV 2015 Rule Reviews and Changes

Started by ossie85, August 13, 2014, 12:40:49 PM

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Ok, I fully admit that I get excited and carried away sometimes!

... so I'm going to take a step back and not do any major changes next year. Unless people jump up and down about them!

This is a thread where people can express ideas, and I'll send out the ideas for a vote after lockout for the Prelim finals (not this week, but next week).

My review

Sub Rule

I think this has worked out pretty well in general, haven't heard many complaints. The only change I'd recommend is that the rule become an opt-out (who have to say that you don't want it) instead of an opt-in (you say that want it).


Yep, think this is going well. Noticed that people used it a lot early, before realising it isn't a fix all for everything.

Flood and Attack Rules

I think these haven't worked very well to be honest.

I'd prefer some kind of point punishment (like your opposition scores 10% less in attack if you flood, but 10% more in defense. And vice-versa).


Yeah, I'm happy enough with this one?


I know I raised a cap as an option, but I'm backing away from it a little. So this is a chance for people to speak minds before a vote.

- Do we keep the cap the same (or similar) to this year
- Do we implement a salary cap

Draft picks

JBs-Hawks suggested that the bottom 10 teams should have draft picks decided on points scored, and not wins. Others thoughts?


I love the idea of a tag (you pick one player, in the same line, to tag somebody else. The tagger loses 50% of score, the tagged player loses 25%).

Anything else?



The sub rule, co-captains and resting are all fine.

Don't mind the flood and attack too much (I mean, they can only be used three times each a season anyway).

I think it's best to keep the cap the way it is.

Don't mind the draft pick idea either (if it was to be used this year for example I think we'd still have Pick 12 because we were like 6th on points for iirc) but I don't think it's a huge game changer whether it changes or not.

Not a fan of the tagging idea at all. 


Sub Rule should defs be opt-out :3 almost cost me a win once, but *luckily* the rest of our team was shower so we lost by like 10

Used the co-captains every week iirc, I have a knack for picking the wrong captains so this minimises the risk a bit.

Resting good as it is.

Think I used the flood once and it flowered me up, good thing to have though and I'm for keeping them.

Bottom 8 draft order is great imo as a neutral, NDT is clearly worse, in personnel and scoring, than Pacific and Beijing, but would get worser draft picks.

One crazy idea I had that has a 0% chance of getting anywhere- overcharged training (will need a better name). Your team will do 10% better for this week, but 10% worse for the next two weeks. Will add a lot of strategy for big teams, and help the lesser teams. Just a crazy idea.


I like all the rules this season.

Agree with the Opt-out.

Co-captains is ok. JPK perma-captain anyway for us :P

Not sure about Resting. Good in theory. We've been too disorganised to use it.

The flood and Attack rules are good because there are a few rounds every season where you have an extra def or fwd playing but are one fwd/def short due to injury/suspension so you can use the rule to help you that week rather than getting an OOP player.

Bottom 8 draft order should stay the same. AFL doesn't do it that way so why should we?

There should be penalties for teams that tank and no priority picks in my opinion.

Purple 77

Sub rule has been great; also think it should be opt-out, the AFL are forced to use it I guess

Co-Captain are good, I only used it twice before I realised not putting the C on Foife is crazy. Maybe those two times was when he was suspended...

Flood & Attack, I didn't vote for it the first time, but seeing as I didn't use it, I'm neutral to this concept. Couldn't care less if it stayed or went. The new concept of this idea could perhaps wait until 2016.

Rest gets a tick from me.

Salary Cap
The actual money salaries would make it more complex... but I'm invested enough in this competition that I would understand and use it. I think it could be more of a burden to less-invested coaches, so I don't know. Will sit on the fence on this one too.

Draft order
Although NDT probably deserve it more, think it would be folly to take amount of wins out of the equation. I could get REALLY lucky, and finish 12th on the least amount of points. I would have enjoyed the season more than 6 teams, yet I get pick 1? Good idea in theory, but I think it would be a step away from the AFL

I'm actually a big fan of the tagging idea as well. If it is implemented, and is a success or failure, maybe it could be the springboard for the revised Flood & Tanking strategy?

My Chumps


Sub rule should be opt out - Most teams lodged with sub rule in play.

Co-Captains Think this is a good rule and I used it with both McVeigh and Hanneberry till Hannebery's injury. Both were up and done but basically when when one was down other was up so hence the rule worked reasonably well. 

Flood/Attack - Do not mind that rule although only used once out of necessity. Agree that if using it there should be some discounting involved.  Not sure on the discount but worth considering maybe if attacking/flooding the line score is discounted 5%.  Not really in favour of opposition getting a bonus.

Resting: Still do not really understand it. (mainly because did not take time to read it and not use it). 

In favour of retaining the points cap.  Think a Salary Cap although sound in principal may be a little difficult to introduce fairly.

Draft Order:
I have another suggestion and will avoid tanking. Bottom 4 teams go into random draw for first 4 picks and then do same for picks 5 - 10 or use ladder position. No real easy solution and the flaw with points is as some weeks you may play a team decimated by injury and boost points scored then another team plays them at full strength and only gets minimal points gain.
Think we still need priority picks for teams with less than 4 wins but rather than 1st picks being prioity have them at end of Round 1.

Tagging: Like it but maybe the benefit to be whichever score of the tagger/taggee is highest is increased 10%. Adds to the contest and the winner gains a benefit.


resting is simple Ringo

u rest a player one week then you must play them the next week and you get 10% bonus

so if they score 100 you get 110


Based on this I say resting helps the stronger teams rather than the weaker teams who are forced to play their strongest team each week. So probably needs some work so lower teams not disadvantaged.


Quote from: Ringo on August 14, 2014, 12:50:20 PM
Based on this I say resting helps the stronger teams rather than the weaker teams who are forced to play their strongest team each week. So probably needs some work so lower teams not disadvantaged.

The logic originally being that the Big teams would rest players against the Weaker teams, and therefore give the weaker teams a chance of victory.

... not so sure if that's the case.


Maybe something like only one of there top 5 preferences can be rested?


I think the Sub Rule, Co-Captains and Rest have worked well.
I agree about the Flood and Attack Rules, I like Ringo's idea where you lose 5%.
I'm happy with how draft picks are at the moment.
I didn't mind your idea about the salary cap, but I'm not a fan of tagging.


Major just reminded me of the blind date trading also!


Purple 77