2014 Review and Rule discussions for 2015.

Started by Ringo, June 24, 2014, 02:54:15 PM

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1) Do away with the 3 Round Robin and have no comp for the 3 bye rounds.



Byes wouldn't be too bad. But I guess what you've got for #3 makes it pretty well even.

But I'll pick the byes :)




Purple 77

I really like the Round robin idea, so I'm a fan of keeping it so option 3 appeals.


Option 3 as well. Liked the way we did byes this year.



Been playing around with the draw this year and another discussion point throwing out here and not fussed one way or the other,

We have 5 Thursday night games this year which means 5 Partial lock outs.
Do we also lock captains and vc at that time or allow only players involved in the Thursday night game to be locked effectively opening a VC Loophole.

Also pondering the idea of multiplying VC by 1.5 thoughts on this as well.


I'm fine with partial lockout, but know that others might not be, so would another alternative be: Partially lock in C and VC, and if on Friday night we find out that one of them is out, then we can change them?

Also, happy to have VC multiplied by 1.5, but if so, then I guess no to the partial lockout?


Not a fan of multiplying VC captains. Also I think the VC loophole option is fine, don't use it if you don't want to. Use it if you do but obviously there is a risk involved.