2014 Review and Rule discussions for 2015.

Started by Ringo, June 24, 2014, 02:54:15 PM

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I am happy to lift player movements to 15 or 20 but taking out the on trading component. So a movement is a movement when trade completed if that player is subsequently traded out that will be an additional movement.
Also thinking of making trading picks as a movement as well as effectively you are trading a player.


Quote from: Ringo on July 15, 2014, 10:16:58 AM
I am happy to lift player movements to 15 or 20 but taking out the on trading component. So a movement is a movement when trade completed if that player is subsequently traded out that will be an additional movement.
Also thinking of making trading picks as a movement as well as effectively you are trading a player.

I like


Yeah I don't mind if we are getting more movements

Guessing administrating trades would be easier this way


20 movements and no on-trading also draft picks counting as movements, I am cool with that.


Yeah, don't mind the idea of getting 20 movements, picks counting as movements and on-trading subsequently being scrapped.


So just to clarify that we understand what is proposed

Team A Trades Player X to Team B for Player y National Draft Pick 1 and Rookie Draft pick 1

Result Team a i movement Team B 3 movements.




I thought we were looking at priority picks for the poorer performing teams but were going to scrap the extra list movements for teams finishing near the bottom?

Seems a bit unfair having two bonuses for the bottom teams but extra list movements aren't very helpful if a team doesn't have anything decent to trade. So replacing these extra movements with a priority pick seems a better idea.


That is the intention of the change Memph.

Remove the extra movements, allow 20 movements with draft picks classed as a movement and on trading will also count as a movement.

Separate rule will to give additional draft picks to teams with 4 wins or less at end of first round also to be voted on. Also thinking of giving teams winning 6 games or less (excluding those with 4 games or less) Priority pick at end of Round 2. Feel free to comment on this as well.

These are the 2 rules that need to be voted on as a priority as trading will commence in near future and some coaches will need to know what draft picks they have.

Feel free to continue the discussion and on Friday 1st August will put out to vote based on opinions.

Rule changes proposed atm subject to change following further discussion.
a) Trading:
1. Trading in period 1 will be unrestricted but trading in Trade Period 2 must be like for like,
2. Franchises will be entitled to 20 movements in total over the 2 trading periods. A player movement is defined as any movement of players between franchises, trading of draft picks. On trading of traded players and/or draft picks will also count as a player movement.
3. Removal of additional movements for lower placed teams to be removed.

b) Draft Picks
Rule to be added:
Teams with four or less wins for the season will receive one priority pick at the end of first round of the National Draft based on finishing order on Table. Teams with 5 or 6 wins will receive a priority pick at the end of second round of National Draft. Tanking will not be tolerated and if observed you will forfeit priority pick and next draft pick.

Feel free to comment over the next 2 weeks.



Agree with the 4 wins club needing help, but not sure we need another tier with the 5 or 6 wins getting a bonus pick, but will go with the majority on that one I think


Reason for 5 or 6 wins is atm Teams 14 & 15 are currently on  6 wins and 5 wins respectively. Bear in mnd we gave these teams an additional movement as well.  If there are enough the comments against will put out the 2 options for the vote.


Unlike most I plan not to whinge no matter the circumstances. Ringo, what ever is easier for you is fine with me.


Quote from: Ringo on July 17, 2014, 01:35:32 PM
Reason for 5 or 6 wins is atm Teams 14 & 15 are currently on  6 wins and 5 wins respectively. Bear in mnd we gave these teams an additional movement as well.  If there are enough the comments against will put out the 2 options for the vote.

since you seem to want it so bottom 4 gets compo picks why not just make it that bottom 4 gets instead of amount of wins

amount of wins could mean 5 or 6 teams get compensated


Sounds Reasonable KB.  One concern though is should all things being normal and eventually comp is equalized you could have one of the bottom 4 with more than 6 wins. Thoughts on this slight amendment

Teams finishing in the bottom 4 have priority picks providing they have 5 wins or less. Priority picks to be apportioned as follows: Teams with 4 wins or less to have priority pick at end of round 1 and teams with 5 wins to have priority pick at end of Round 2.

Just do not think it right if say 2rd and 4th bottom teams have 5 wins they get a pick at end of Round 1.  But as always open to discussion.,