Sam Mitchell

Started by chaosAD, June 23, 2014, 05:05:40 PM

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I have one back upgrade and i would love to get Sammy Mitchell this week,
Current Backs Bartel, Simpson, Hibberd, Swallow, Hanley GRIMES(upgrading)

Thinking he'll be back this week or next, do i hold Grimes and wait a week if hes not named or get JKelly or anyone else?


I want Mitchell too, but I'll wait until his first price drop.


He's had about 8 weeks off and his BE is 160 and he is currently 10th highest averaging defender.

Why on god's green earth would you trade him in this week?

I hope/plan on going Suckling to SMitchell in due course, but that is not this week.

AFL Fantasy is projecting a $29k price decrease in the next two weeks ($34k over 3 weeks).

Your realistic choices are:
1. Get McVeigh in for Grimes this week, take the +20ppg and be happy. Potentially sideways trade to SMitchell in due course (Hibberd, Hanley, Simpson if he goes on like he has for the last 3) - potentially miss out on SMitchell.

2. Put up with Grimes, and maybe get Mitchell in two or three weeks (or, at best, next week).

I vote 1, pending no other trades you want to make that are more valuable than +20ppg.


Quote from: RookieDTer on June 23, 2014, 05:28:12 PM
He's had about 8 weeks off and his BE is 160 and he is currently 10th highest averaging defender.

If you take out his injury score he is the highest averaging defender by some margin.

But I agree, he is far from an option this week and likely won't be for 3 or 4.


Quote from: Mr.Craig on June 23, 2014, 07:38:53 PM
Quote from: RookieDTer on June 23, 2014, 05:28:12 PM
He's had about 8 weeks off and his BE is 160 and he is currently 10th highest averaging defender.

If you take out his injury score he is the highest averaging defender by some margin.

But I agree, he is far from an option this week and likely won't be for 3 or 4.

his BE is 160 odd, he's had 6-7 weeks out (so reduced scores until he's fully fit)
I personally would wait 3-4 weeks and watch him drop about 50-100k first
you know practically everyone will be jumping on at his first 90+ anyway