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Started by dirkdiggler, June 06, 2014, 02:47:19 PM

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just traded in Nic Nat and Prestia.......
getting bored of seeing the same players in my oppo's team....time to spice it up lol


well done you just went full retard


wow, i haven't played anyone that has had nic nat or prestia in there team this year lol

who did you put in?


Quote from: d.clohesy on June 06, 2014, 02:49:43 PM
wow, i haven't played anyone that has had nic nat or prestia in there team this year lol

who did you put in?

lol...I had Hampson/Derickx as my r2/r3 combo. So I needed to do something in my I just thought sod it...Nic Nat BE is low, he will play, and looks fitter. Might be a great trade...might be awful....but at least it keeps it interesting.
Prestia...Just a one else seems to have YOLO it is...


I was kind of tempted by Nic Nat this week as well, not sure if a good idea or not... :-X


Quote from: Toga on June 06, 2014, 02:59:37 PM
I was kind of tempted by Nic Nat this week as well, not sure if a good idea or not... :-X

DO IT!!!


I started the year with prestia. The human meatball gave me nothing but headaches. Steer clear... Treloar is the better option! As for Nic Nat it may pay off and is worth a punt


Quote from: Jalapeno on June 06, 2014, 03:03:15 PM
I started the year with prestia. The human meatball gave me nothing but headaches. Steer clear... Treloar is the better option! As for Nic Nat it may pay off and is worth a punt

I am trading in Treloar next 


I'm ditching Sandi this week he's due for a toe / hamstring ... Well overdue