Captain, VC and Loophole discussions.

Started by The Pelican, April 25, 2014, 09:17:03 AM

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i'm not taking Pendles 120 going to roll the dice with Rocky gut feeling

might be the nachos i had for lunch


To take Pendles 124 or to go with Ablett.

Opponent had the C on Pendles


C Judd 3 Votes

I'm not taking Swan's 136.

Gaj can go larger  8)


Quote from: kilbluff1985 on April 25, 2014, 05:46:32 PM
i'm not taking Pendles 120 going to roll the dice with Rocky gut feeling

might be the nachos i had for lunch

The Pelican

I went Pendles and wasn't happy and I thought Riewoldt could go for 150+ so took him as Capt. Would have been more annoyed if I had Aish on bench but was a last minute decision to put him in over Robertson


Ended up going Gaz into JPK. Kinda hoping Gary goes sub 100 which will give me an advantage. I doubt it will happen though haha


Got Swan at 143 as VC, split whether to go him or Gazza....



Swan it is, opponents got Ablett so bit of a risk. oh well, let it roll

Free Kick

Quote from: Jackross10 on April 26, 2014, 11:02:27 AM
Ended up going Gaz into JPK. Kinda hoping Gary goes sub 100 which will give me an advantage. I doubt it will happen though haha

Yeah taking the same Punt as I double downgraded this week and am behind the eight ball..

Gaz has the VC and hoping he has a rare quiet one and then use Danger!!

Sometimes having Gaz play first with a backup can be a good option if your opponent is locked in the Gazza's score..


Ablett 148.4
Pendles 136.2
Jelwood 128.8
SJ 126.2
Beams 124

These are averages for those who have played first 5 rounds.

Why would you back against Ablett?

Even if you'd been on second best (Pendles) you'd be 61 points behind.

And yes I know there will be some really 'clever' people who have used Danger, Mumford, SJ as captain on the right weeks but there will be more who have been stuck with Cotchin, Swan, Rocky etc who haven't.

It's a percentage game.