If u had to pick 1

Started by ubeaut, April 23, 2014, 07:54:26 PM

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Have to choose between Cutler,Gray and Robertson. Lloyd is my other trade. Using DPP I could get either.

Who would u choose and why?


Same situation here.

I think Robertson.

Gray was subbed for 35 and Monfries is still to come back.

Cutler is still unproven with only 1 full game and Hanley may take his place.


Robertson as he has the best job security and looks to be the most consistent although they have all only played 2 games! also Cutler wont rise too much and may be a good option for either of McDonald or Langden next week depending on who has the highest breakeven


Robertson way better job security

Gray will get dropped and cutler most likely could get cut... Also depends if you have a problem with fwds/mids too...




Quote from: ClarksonsArmy on April 23, 2014, 07:56:21 PM
Robertson way better job security

Gray will get dropped and cutler most likely could get cut... Also depends if you have a problem with fwds/mids too...
Pun intended?

Robbo has best JS as others have said, if Cutler is named this week alongside Hanley then I'll be bringing him in next week as he shouldn't rise too much this week.


Said this in another thread but last week Robertson attended more centre bounces than any other Lion. Lock him in


Cheers guys was leaning that way so am pretty much sold. Good point on Cutler not rising much. Hopefully Langdon can rise a bit too and cancel it out.


Is Robertson the one who kicked it the wrong way?

If yes, then lock him in.


Quote from: tor01doc on April 23, 2014, 08:30:58 PM
Is Robertson the one who kicked it the wrong way?

If yes, then lock him in.


Sabretooth Tigers

Guess I better go Robbo as well. Once in APS footy ran straight through the pack, gathered the ball, bounced three times on a straight run and then passed the ball right down the throat of our full back. shower he was surprised, as was I. No wonder I have to come from behind in SC this season, must have gone the wrong way to start with. Cheers.    :-[


Robbo has the better job security as well although only till Brisbane byes as Claye Beams is due back in the next 2 weeks. Should make some cash for you.
Cutler if named when Hanley is named may be a sound option as well as it suggests he may remain in the Team - Plays a similar game to Golby and Harwood so form will decide,


So what if I had to pick between Robertson and Lloyd?
Can only grab one, which one and why?
(my other trade is for Crouch before its tooooooo late!)


Quote from: Slashers on April 25, 2014, 01:37:28 AM
So what if I had to pick between Robertson and Lloyd?
Can only grab one, which one and why?
(my other trade is for Crouch before its tooooooo late!)

I would go for Lloyd as he seems to have good scoring potential and good JS with Jake King out for at least a month. Robertson's JS looks pretty good at the moment too but I don't think he will score as well as Lloyd.