Rookies with high breakevens!

Started by Anthonyyyy, April 23, 2014, 07:45:11 PM

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There is a few this week with Dunsten, Tyson and Ellis all having high ones but if dunsten averaged say 70 (12 below his average) would he go up or down in price by round 10?

Is there a way to work it out because he is one of the only rookies that is looking solid this year!?


Not being a dick but man there is other threads talking about the same players, use them. You've been around for a while now come on..


Yeah sorry about this but im not trying to start a thread on this topic but I am wondering if you can work out how much cash he will rise and fall if he can keep say an average of 70 up until hes round 10 bye?


It's cool just for next time. Can't help you there dude, sorry


Nah it is all good I should of worded it differently!


Just plug the scores into

It tells u the player's price after each week.
