Too Risky of a Trade.... Leaves Team Too Weak

Started by TheViper, April 23, 2014, 12:34:32 PM

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Here is my team
Def: Thompson Swallow Mitchell Simpson Langdon Webster   Emg: Langford Gerogiou
Mid: Ablett Libba Rocky Beams Polec Dusntan Tyson Ellis Emg: M.Thomas Crouch
Rucks: Sandi Goldy 
For: Danger Martin Merrett Dahlhaus Higgins Fasolo Emg:Taylor Impey

I want Lloyd and Swanny this week. Do you think it is smart to trade merrett for llyod therefore leaving me playing two rookies in the forwards and then ellis/tyson to swanny?



have you got enough cash to do

Ellis to Robertson
Tyson to Swan?




That actually sounds pretty good. How about merrett though? He's projected to go down this week


You will need to trade out Langdon before the bye, otherwise you will be playing with only 17.

Backs:  Thompson, Swallow, Langdon

Mids: Ablett, Beams, Crouch, Swan

Fwds:  Danger, Martin, Fasolo, Lloyd

During the Bye rounds, it's your best 18, in other words you can have 4 donuts on the field.

You will have 5 donuts, unless you trade out Langdon before the bye