Which way to go?

Started by brudski, April 21, 2014, 09:24:07 PM

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Looking to trade Ellis out for one of the two to bring in either Griffen or Swan by using Tyson. Who should i get? Who would be the better cow and who would have the better JS?


I'm getting both this week, so I think you should too

Griffen anf Swan will only go uo 5-10k or so this week, so they are still dirt cheap next week, but you get two cash cows now


I'm thinking of doing that Raisy my problem is if i do two downgrades this week and two upgrades next week l'll be down to 18 trades (Injuries have had a field day with me) i worked out i can't trade for 5 rounds and trades will last me. So my plan was not trading for the byes or round 7. If i go ellis to one of these and swan or griffen from tyson l'm still left with 150k in the bank


Hmmm ok fair enough

At the end of the day you need to use trades to get premo's in, so whether you do it now or later your still going to do it

God Luck :)


Very correct indeed Raisy. I'll just prefer to do the trades after the byes to make things easier for myself. Thanks i need the luck i got no idea what l'm going to do this week!


Was about to make a thread for Lloyd vs Roberston.

Robertson looks to be playing a tagging job and will get plenty of time in the mids HOWEVER Lloyd has shown he has a massive ceiling and is a mature ager.

Which gives it to Lloyd by quite a margin (as long as the bye doesn't matter)


Great minds think alike batt :P Bye's don't worry me because l'm only going league and what's dropping one game really. Another thing i like to look at when considering these things is who they play for. Brisbane will get smashed more then Richmond which means lloyd will have more chance to score seeing the game will be going there way (richmond) i could be totally wrong for considering this but it's also a thought aswell i guess. Atm i'm thinking lloyd, means i don't have to put up with Taylors scores at F6 and he can sit on the bench. Robertson was going to sit on the bench aswell