Swan vs Griffen

Started by Marcon, April 21, 2014, 08:45:51 PM

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For those looking to upgrade in the middle, these two are seriously underpriced for what they can produce, however most of us will only be able to get in one this week.

Which one and why?


Griffen just for the fact that he's got the rd 9 bye, if you dont care then either is fine.


Im also considering Mundy and Murphy.

I already have Libba so dont really want Griffen (even though im a doggies man) and getting Swanny in would kill me rd 9... Soemone help me!!


Griffen - better bye and less chance of spending large amounts of time in the goal square. 


Watson is 550k and projected to drop to 530k next week. Can you add him to the poll and thread title too?

Would love to hear thoughts on these 3


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 21, 2014, 08:49:34 PM
Watson is 550k and projected to drop to 530k next week. Can you add him to the poll and thread title too?

Would love to hear thoughts on these 3

Watson scored his 75 this week, surely he doesn't get considered until thats out of his rolling avg? plenty more $$ to drop?


Quote from: juzztheball on April 21, 2014, 08:52:20 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 21, 2014, 08:49:34 PM
Watson is 550k and projected to drop to 530k next week. Can you add him to the poll and thread title too?

Would love to hear thoughts on these 3

Watson scored his 75 this week, surely he doesn't get considered until thats out of his rolling avg? plenty more $$ to drop?

Will be looking to bring him in a few weeks time aswell.


Swan this week, Watson and Griffen next week!


I will wait for Swan until after round 8. Griff may have to wait a week for me as well.

Have to bring McVeigh in this week IMO. BE 91 and has Melbourne and Brisbane in the next 2 weeks. Reckon he is a bigger priority into defense.


getting to the tasty time of the season.. buy swap and sell!!

Swan, how many Pies mids are too many? already have Beams and Pendles..

Griff, is he back? looks like a very good pick with a good bye..

could wait a week on both.. cash cow culling and byeing this round!


Double downgrade this week giving me close to 400k in the kitty

Every chance I might be able to squeeze in a double upgrade next week which would be delicious

Swan, Jobe and Griffen on my radar, as well as a few defenders. Ideally I would love to be able to get in 1 mid and 1 defender next week, which would allow me to get Langdon off the field too


How does Ellis to Griffen sound?


Griffen...better for the byes.
If it didn't matter I'd probably say Swan.

remon tea

If Griffen scores 120, how much would he go up?
