BE`s from SC Gold Round 5

Started by LF, April 21, 2014, 08:34:09 PM

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Some relevant BE`s for people here from SC Gold
Will do any requests as well just ask and I`ll post it up here.

Cash Cows
Langdon 44
LMac 44
JHK -22
Langford 9
KK 12
Tyson 98
Dunstan 87
Higgins 39
Georgiou 31
Taylor 12
Robertson -51
Polec 3
X.Ellis 101
S.Lloyd -116
Fasolo -61
J.Merrett 104
M.Thomas 62
J.Kelly 36
M.Crouch -71
D.Thomas 77
Cutler -37
J.Bennell -18
Gleeson -37
Jong -3

Players over $600k
Stevie J 81
Jelwood 180
Ablett 147
Pendles 152
Rockliff 137

Players $500k -$600k
Dangerfield 60
D.Beams 75
Sidebottom 75
Swan 78
JPK 84
Boyd 80
McVeigh 91
Swallow 95
Bartel 97
Griffen 100
S.Mitchell 110
Hanley 159
J.Steven 198
Sloane 118
Fyfe 122
Riewoldt 111
S.Mitchell 110
Liberatore 182
Montagna 123
Watson 158
Redden 113
Cotchin 126
Minson 151
Goldstein 130
Priddis 145
Cox 158
Parker 115

Players $400k-$500K

M.Wright 43
Hodge 92
Naitanui 114
Franklin 139
Hampson 50
Jacobs 73
Chapman 111
A.Walker 127
Cornes 123
S.Selwood 138
M.Murphy 77
Mundy 121
Westhoff 78
Martin 126
Simpson 67
Masten 115
S.Thompson 89
McEvoy 138
Lumumba 89
Malceski 83
Gunston 42
H.Shaw 84
J.Roughead 149
Wingard 166
Pavlich 42
R.Gray 35
Birchall 113
Macrae 55
Enright 98
Rioli 131


I wanted to keep Dunstan until round 10
whats Griffens BE? also Nic Nat


Great stuff LF

Just been looking through SC Gold myself and I am getting rid of Ellis, but geeez I cant decide who to dump out of Dunstan and Tyson

I am leaning towards Dunstan at this stage, because he has made us 187k, where as Tyson has only made 108k and I want more then that out of a cow

Ellis has made 120k but the 2 in his average means he is gone for sure



Should sticky if it hasnt been


damn anyway you look at it im going to be losing $$ next week from my cows

ellis, tyson, dunstan, merret only 2 trades and lloyd and possibly griff to come in


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 21, 2014, 08:37:53 PM
Great stuff LF

Just been looking through SC Gold myself and I am getting rid of Ellis, but geeez I cant decide who to dump out of Dunstan and Tyson

I am leaning towards Dunstan at this stage, because he has made us 187k, where as Tyson has only made 108k and I want more then that out of a cow

Ellis has made 120k but the 2 in his average means he is gone for sure

Thank you
Ellis is already out for me just trying to decide what to do now as I want to get Lloyd in but Dunstan and Tyson BE`s are so high Dunstan predicted to lose less money next week tho.


Impey 16
Taylor 12
Fasolo -60
Currie 9
MThomas 62
Polec 9
Lloyd -116
Robertson -51
Gray -77
Crouch -71
Cutler -37

And for some premos:

Griffen 100
Swan 78
Libba 182
Boomer 181
Selwood 180
Wingard 166
Watson 158

Big Mac





Just a quickie...I assume they can be trusted...I always use too serious...I know others cant be SC Golds worth their weight in Gold? You pay for them. They come from the SC site. They're good right?
Someone vouch for them to save me going to tooserious. ;D



Quote from: enzedder on April 21, 2014, 08:55:59 PM
Just a quickie...I assume they can be trusted...I always use too serious...I know others cant be SC Golds worth their weight in Gold? You pay for them. They come from the SC site. They're good right?
Someone vouch for them to save me going to tooserious. ;D

SC Gold ARE the BE's. All other sites are just accurate guesses using a formula
