Dom Tyson substitute - mistake?

Started by HotTiges, April 21, 2014, 07:49:43 AM

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Don't know what to make of this..

@Thomo_Grant: Roos substitutes MF Tyson & admits he made a mistake. Well done Roosy - now that didn't hurt did it. More of it.


Was very surprised Dyson was subbed, there were plenty of spuds out there for Melbourne yet Roos decides to sub one of his better midfielders.

I will hold Dyson, but it has almost halted any more price gains


I think roos would have been spewing in qtr 4 when they ran over the GC

He may have had a niggle the past 2 weeks which we may be unaware about and 85% fit


Quote from: ClarksonsArmy on April 21, 2014, 12:54:06 PM
I think roos would have been spewing in qtr 4 when they ran over the GC

He may have had a niggle the past 2 weeks which we may be unaware about and 85% fit

If he had a niggle dont think roos would have said it was a mistake subbing him.


That's interesting. Wonder who he is thinking he should have subbed in hindsight



Obviously the reverse buffalo theory.

Get rid of the better mid and the whole group goes worse rather than get rid of the worst and the group gets better

Big Mac

As bad as Spencer was I don't think we had anyone to take over in the ruck. He was probably thinking Jetta.


Hmm.  The only thing which would make we want to toss him before the byes is his JS.  This admission from Roosy makes it a little more intriguing.


Possibly either Tyson or MThomas to go this week ..leaning to Thomas due to too many R8 bye players


his be is 98 so if he gets a 100 hell stay the same with a lower be

even if he gets about 70 hell drop by 15-20k only


Still torn on Tyson, part of me thinks he'll bounce back strongly, he certainly has the talent.


I think I'll hold him, personally. May drop a little this week, but he has a good 4 weeks until his bye and I think he can safely average 70odd over the next month, which should see him come back up. Hopefully Roosy sees the talent and just wanted to send him a little message that he won't accept mediocrity, and he'll bounce back strongly!

Ellis will miss a few, then drop a lot before rising again, and with his injury history I dont want to keep him long enough to find out.

Langdon is reaching his max. Dunstan is an interesting one - started he last couple of games well but just went missing. If he can put 4 quarters together and pump out another 100 then he's well back on track to get to $400k - the same boat as Tyson, however I see Tyson as a tad safer to keep.

So as far as trading out Tyson goes, he's down on my priority list to trade out.


Yeh I'm holding until round 10. Need him to play through the byes


The way I look at it is this, Tyson still has a BE of 98 and will more than likely drop in price whilst Ellis more than likely won't play and he can wait until next week.

Tyson to Robertson for me