Who to move on for Lloyd?

Started by billnats, April 20, 2014, 07:56:20 PM

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A lot have Taylor as a forward.

No Dangerfield? Or Dusty? Or Wingard?


Quote from: GoLions16 on April 23, 2014, 04:18:11 PM
Well then, I'd suggest making the exact same trades I've made. Ellis & Tyson to Robertson & Lloyd. Play Robbo at M8 for a few weeks, should score alright. Or you could sub Taylor with Danger or Dusty, and play Lloyd at F6 instead and Danger/Dusty in your midfield. Whichever you feel gives you more points. Then next week upgrade Merrett to perhaps Nroo, and if you still have cash, Dunstan to Watson or Griffen :)

I never knew you could swap DPP in the trade view without a connection player... Haha years of playing SuperCoach and I just learnt this.


I believe this added flexibility is new for this year.


DUAL POSITION PLAYER TRADES - You'll now have more flexibility with how you trade, by being able to move dual position players within your team during the trading process - without having to have a 'matching' dual position player in the other position. For example, you may:
For example, you may:
a) elect to trade out a Forward who is not a dual position player.
b) If you have a Defender who is also a Forward, you may substitute them into the Forward spot left vacant by the player you elected to trade out.
c) You'll now have a vacant Defender spot on your team.
d) In effect, you are therefore trading out a Forward for trading in a Defender.
You can now make unlimited player moves while trading when a position opens up (no longer limited to one move), to get the perfect trade.

This is from SC Help bit.


Ok feel less like an idiot!
Ellis and Tyson to Robertson and Lloyd this week it is!


Quote from: tor01doc on April 23, 2014, 09:02:05 PM
I believe this added flexibility is new for this year.
it was around last year


Quote from: Samsturmfels on April 23, 2014, 09:50:31 PM
Quote from: tor01doc on April 23, 2014, 09:02:05 PM
I believe this added flexibility is new for this year.
it was around last year
Yeah it was around last year. The new addition is being able to make as many player movements as you want during a trade.


Ahhh. I thought something was new.

So it's the mid to back and a back to forward to a ruck to a mid that is new?  :-\


Quote from: tor01doc on April 23, 2014, 09:59:39 PM
Ahhh. I thought something was new.

So it's the mid to back and a back to forward to a ruck to a mid that is new?  :-\