Tich/Rohan to Fasolo?

Started by cambam2, April 17, 2014, 08:05:11 PM

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Anyone think this is a good move?
Also got Hanley to think about and tossing up Tyson => MCrouch

Might be getting greedy

Forwards are:
Danger, Zorko, Dmartin, Taylor, Impey JKH (Rohan, Titch)

$98K in the bank


I wouldn't do Tyson to Crouch. Seems like a waste of a trade seeing as there are always downgrade options later in the year and Tyson still has money to make. I think a lot of People will be getting in Fasolo this week. I got rid of Rohan for him. Its a pretty safe bet that he will outscore Taylor Impey and JKH

Judd Magic

Man that forward line is incredibly weak.

I'd be doing whatever I could quick smart to fix it up!



Yeah Rohan to Fasolo, and I'd look at getting some cash to bring in another premium forward before the byes


Thanks blokes.

About to go Titch & Rohan to Pav and Fas.