Start XEllis vs Dunstan

Started by HotTiges, April 17, 2014, 07:25:55 PM

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pretty straight forward..Dunstan was a bit of a let down and looked tired, where as Ellis gets ya 65+


Dunston mate. Capable of huge score.

Bones Bombers


Ellis for me, Port play a very open running game, Ellis can only benefit IMO.


would u start those 2 ahead of aish?



Dunstan...not missing out on another super premium score. :P

Judd Magic

Dunstan wont get near the ball, similar to last week against the Crows as Essendon have a high style possession game so will hog most of the sc points.

Sabretooth Tigers

Ellis, for no particular reason, just a hunch.    :)


If you throw Crouch into the mix, which two?


Quote from: roti on April 18, 2014, 12:53:45 AM
If you throw Crouch into the mix, which two?


I have the same 3, and can only field two

Feel like we should field Ellis and Dunstan, because Crouch plays the day after and if he is sub then we screw ourself

Donnie Brasco

I played Aish, ok 55.

Polec, Tyson and Ellis on field, Dunstan and Crouch on pine...

Racking my brain, what do you reckon guys?


I'll never bench Dunstan. Yeah he had a low score last week but still got 20+ touches so his DE was just down last week

Donnie Brasco

Yeah, I hear ya' mate.

Ellis & Crouch on the bench, it is then.


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 18, 2014, 05:50:19 AM
Quote from: roti on April 18, 2014, 12:53:45 AM
If you throw Crouch into the mix, which two?


I have the same 3, and can only field two

Feel like we should field Ellis and Dunstan, because Crouch plays the day after and if he is sub then we screw ourself

yeah, good point, didn't even think of it that way.