Best option for Leuenberger

Started by diamw90, April 15, 2014, 04:19:56 PM

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If you got the money, either of the first 2 options are fine.
But myself, I am either going for Hickey or Hampson. Most likely Hickey if he plays to avoid the dreadful round 8 bye!



Yeh I'd probably grab Hickey mate. Goldy's shoulder worries me a bit still


If you have a backup, ride the price drop that Goldy is going through and see what sort of form he gets to around bye times.

Be guided by your bye setup.


As good as sauce is playing he burnt me last year and is high on my never again list... Currie on my bench with king but I'm looking at winning my league game... Torn here guys TORN


Cox for me - round 9 bye, relatively cheap, always manages a 100+ average and hasn't missed a game for 3 years. Couple that with Nic nat's limited ruck input and he stands to be a very reliable option.

Judd Magic

Minsons also a good option I think.

Has started off relatively slowly but I can see him picking it up now and getting alot my hitouts to advantage once Griffen regains full fitness.

I have Mumford and I reckon I'll be trading him out to Minson.

No support rucks at all to steal  Minsons points either unlike NicNat, Sinclair and that other West Coast ruck I can't think of stealing Cox's points.



Get nic Nat in a couple of weeks. Will be very cheap. Is sure to fire up soon.




I'm really swaying to cox purely because he's an absolute champion but we know goldy can pump out 120+ when firing... Sauce and nic nat burnt me last year so I don't wanna go either plus I'm happy to see where sauce is after bye rounds and maybe go sandi > him after he's proven himself... Got something bout hickey though too but he'd merely be a stepping stone which I can avoid and save a trade (barring injuries) by going a full premo



basically solo rucking against Brisbane (West) and is looking to make some serious cash too before Maric is back...
