After 4 rds who is the best defender I don't have?? ??

Started by Sabretooth Tigers, April 15, 2014, 10:56:08 AM

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Sabretooth Tigers

This is the first week I've had a real chance to trade S Hurn out.
My current defence is :-  D Swallow,  K Simpson,  S Mitchell,  L McDonald,  T Langdon,  J Laidler,  W Langford,  and Hurn.
I have 2 trades and $305,100 Sal. Thinking Rohan to Fassolo in one trade and a Hurn replacement for the other. Who is the best defender I don't have and the best priced,  must have,  defender I don't have. Preferably not a rd. 8  bye as current team not very bye friendly.  i.e. :-
DEF    Swallow,  McDonald,  Langdon
MID    Ablett,  Beams,  M Thomas,  T Cotchin
FOR    Dangerfield,  Martin,  Wright.
My team should be called : The Chappellies "  great team just not scoring. Don't be shy, and have a say, let fly with any thoughts. I was even considering keeping Hurn and just spending the K's and he would become POD, but he's still listed as 4 to 6 weeks. CHeers.  ::)


jaench looks good value, but he's the r8 bye. i'd have a hard time imagining anyone other than mcveigh



The obvious options to me are both round 8 players: Bartel or Jaensch. If you're dead set against a round 8er then Hibberd would be my next choice I think.  McVeigh also worth considering though hasn't been as impressive as many would have liked...

Sabretooth Tigers

I like the look of him, Jaensch. Also watching Macca's price line. Curious about bye evaluation. If I had a low scoring rd.8 bye isn't it possible to pick up the lost points on the next two bye weeks ?  i.e :-  RD.8 sc 1200
                                                                                                     RD. 9    2400
                                                                                                     Rd.9     2400
rather than say manage the balance to say 3 sets of 2000. What I am getting at is that if you trade anyone in to strengthen rd. 8  then you lose them in either rd. 9 or 10. So purely on straight maths, no too early in the morning. But basically I'm thinking I' may wear whatever damage I encounter during Rd. 8 and try to clean up in 9 and 10. So which one would you pick first Fever ? Having just checked out my bye numbers   10 / 10 / 10   I'm no longer concerned which round is byed.  Cheers and thanks    ;)

Sabretooth Tigers

Only take Hanley Doc if I knew he was under your care at " Dank Rehabillition Centre "      :)


Its hard. For me Hanley was my POD but now that is shot to shower as doc points our, so in the same boat.

Mcveigh hasnt been himself so far, not been allowed too much space in the middle and not running around half back like he was last year. The whole team is down though, so if/when they can manage to pickup so should Mcveighs scores.....

Not much help...


Scoring 2400 in a bye round is the equivalent of scorin 2933 in a normal round at 133.33 points per player, so unlikely I'd say.

More realistically, if you were worried about cash leagues, taking a hit in round 8 is an okay idea, especially if you can still salvage a win, you may, however, lose and also ruin percentage.

If you are playing for overall, a balance between the byes are a much better option as the ranks lost in round 8 may never be regained


I would say S Thompson (NM).  Just hitting his straps now


Quote from: Sabretooth Tigers on April 15, 2014, 11:14:54 AM
I like the look of him, Jaensch. Also watching Macca's price line. Curious about bye evaluation. If I had a low scoring rd.8 bye isn't it possible to pick up the lost points on the next two bye weeks ?  i.e :-  RD.8 sc 1200
                                                                                                     RD. 9    2400
                                                                                                     Rd.9     2400
rather than say manage the balance to say 3 sets of 2000. What I am getting at is that if you trade anyone in to strengthen rd. 8  then you lose them in either rd. 9 or 10. So purely on straight maths, no too early in the morning. But basically I'm thinking I' may wear whatever damage I encounter during Rd. 8 and try to clean up in 9 and 10. So which one would you pick first Fever ? Having just checked out my bye numbers   10 / 10 / 10   I'm no longer concerned which round is byed.  Cheers and thanks    ;)

If trading now yes you're right. But there's plenty of coaches who have set their teams up with more later round by players (In my case I have 9/7/14) so that in rounds 9 and 10 I can trade my round 10 bye rookies to round 8 players. So effectively I can skip some players byes that way...



Sabretooth Tigers

 ::) ;D :)
Almost have it down to McVeigh,   Hibberd,  Hodge,  Birchall,  Demster,  or B Murphy. All being bye friendly but are they better than Bartel  and Jaensch ??     :-\


Hibberd 101 3 round average... not so great in round 1 but other than that on form. Definitely not a bad pick.

Sabretooth Tigers

 :)Be back in two hrs, everbody put your 5 cents in while I take the Mrs to the doctors,  ::)