murphy to kelly

Started by gladiator, April 12, 2014, 09:41:43 AM

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Thinking about downgrading murphy to kelly, which will leave me 300 K in bank.
Don't think Murphy is going to be in top 8 midfielders by end of year i.e not a keeper and much more upside with Kelly.
Going for league win so don't mind losing an early one.


Blues Blues Blues

Quote from: Baggers2012 on April 12, 2014, 09:48:09 AM
Incredibly stupid

Lol. Don't sugarcoat it, tell him what you really think!


Not a real fan, did you have other options at all, if you are going to trade murph at least wait until after Carltons bye (and no i dont mean todays game against my mob!)



Quote from: gladiator on April 12, 2014, 09:41:43 AM
Thinking about downgrading murphy to kelly, which will leave me 300 K in bank.
Don't think Murphy is going to be in top 8 midfielders by end of year i.e not a keeper and much more upside with Kelly.
Going for league win so don't mind losing an early one.

Any trade may have relevance based on your teams needs.  Do you need the money to upgrade others to prem?  Why do you want the trade in terms of your overall goals.

Personally I think Murph will have a reasonable year and justify his price.   If Kelly avgs 100 then you get the cash generation, minor points difference and ability to upgrade others later.   Your call your team and one thing about SC lots of ways to skin the cat.   But only a few proven ways to regularly get to the top.


Quote from: gladiator on April 12, 2014, 09:41:43 AM
Thinking about downgrading murphy to kelly

Going for league win so don't mind losing an early one.

Quote from: Blues Blues Blues on April 12, 2014, 09:49:23 AM
Quote from: Baggers2012 on April 12, 2014, 09:48:09 AM
Incredibly stupid

Lol. Don't sugarcoat it, tell him what you really think!



With all the hype about him not being a great leader this week and playing Melbourne, JESUS F****CHRIST! ARE YOU MAD!


Quote from: gladiator on April 12, 2014, 09:41:43 AM

Don't think Murphy is going to be in top 8 midfielders by end of year i.e not a keeper

Begs the question - Why did you start with him in the first place ?



i have thought of him as a perm m8 come finals time. not bad at all if you started him at m5


Quote from: aussied on April 12, 2014, 12:27:21 PM

i have thought of him as a perm m8 come finals time. not bad at all if you started him at m5

this. avg 107.6 is pretty good.
currently doing better than a few big names. JPK, Scooter, Swanny, Boak. all priced higher than him.


Yeah crazy trading him out, hope you didn't. He should tonne today, started alright.


Did you trade him out?murphy only out scored him by 2 points lol..


Murphy to Crouch seems like a better option, or Murphy to Sam Gray. 400k in the kitty sounds a lot better than 280 odd, and I don't think there will be any impact on the scoring.