Which trades this week?

Started by RichoMan94, April 11, 2014, 12:02:47 PM

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BACK: S Mitchell, P Hanley, K Simpson, C Enright, M Suckling, T Langdon                           W Langford, A Georgio
MIDS: G Ablett, S Pendlebury, T Rockliff, D Beams, D Tyson, J Polec, L Dunstan, X Ellis         L McDonald, V Mitchie
RUCKS: M Leunberger, A Sandilands                                                                              D Currie, M King
FORWARDS: D Zorko, P Dangerfield, D Martin, J Caddy, S Higgins, J Impey                         P Ambrose, J Kennedy Harris
$160,000 left

Not sure what trades I should do  :-\

Mitchie needs to go. Kelly is a good option who could make money and have good scores but it is also tempting to wait a week and downgrade to crouch and get more money.

Kennedy Harris is struggling and i need a half decent F6 so tempted to go straight to Fasolo this weej but JKH could still make his BE and might need another week to be confident

Caddy has not being going great and by upgrading this week to cyril before cyrils price goes up could be a good option but caddy could also still get his break even and go up in price

Leunberger has been struggling and Mumford has been killing it but still not sure if I should give up on the premo ruckman yet


Time for Michie to go, and Impey at F6 is costing you too much

Michie to Kelly and JKH to Fasolo for mine