Downgrade Andrew Walker

Started by MatthewDoubrava, April 11, 2014, 11:58:10 AM

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Andrew walker has a breakeven of 165, which is a little out of doubt for me, even though he does play Melbourne, im thinking of downgrading him to jaensch as he will make money and hopefully score well. any thoughts? worth it or not worth it? oh, and if i do downgrade to jeansch, my bank will be loaded with about 450k!

also, who is the best forward option at the moment, someone that will be consistant, someone that i can have all year, ANYONE that is, i do have the cash :)


Usually we say you never downgrade premiums, but for mine, Walker isn't a premium as he has really only had 1 good year, and now it looks like he wont be backing that up, so out of all of the premium defenders he is the only one that I think has merit to be traded out

NRoo is the forward to get


so what im thinking is this:

trade andrew walker to Jeansch. this will put 447,700k in the bank


I just think that people who started with Jaensch did well, but until he shows he can score well every week, I would wait on him. Id rather pay a bit more in a few weeks time if he is in fact looking like a keeper, so I would trade Walker to another premo

If the cash you get from bringing in Jaensch allows you to get NRoo etc, and you cant get a fwd like that if you got another premo def instead, then I guess Jaench might make sense to roll the dice on


Stupid Question, but Jeansch wont play on NRoo this week will he??? :/


Nah. Talia will

Jaench is playing a friendly SC role - mopping up across half back, mostly uncontested


Quote from: MatthewDoubrava on April 11, 2014, 12:17:41 PM
Stupid Question, but Jeansch wont play on NRoo this week will he??? :/
Nope. No chance ;)

Jaensch is not a key defender


the breakeven is only a concern if you ever trade him. at this satge you shouldn't.


Whilst I agree with RD that Walker isn't really an established premo, surely you have other things to fix before him? With that said he hasn't lost value yet so pull the pin now if you're not gonna keep him...


in order to fix up other things, it would be of great advantage to myself by making cash by downgrading him now, especially if he keeps scoring under the tonn everyweek