Anyone else got this problem?

Started by gunnerzzz, April 08, 2014, 10:02:30 PM

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Got Thurlow, Clurey and Kennedy-Harris on my bench doing sweet FA. Is it worth trading them for some rooks who are gunna make coin, or am I better off holding trades. Currently have on bench:

Cameron, clurey in def
Thurlow, king in ruck
Imply, JKH in fwd

If you're in the same kind of situation what are you gunna do?


Clurey should be your first priority, and then Thurlow. It's up to you if you want to do both trades this week or just the one. Bear in mind the byes are 4 weeks away and you'll need adequate coverage, all playing rookies therefore become critical.


short answer yes, trade.

can you turn clurey into kelly/buckley via dpp into the mids?
do you have lewis taylor?
the rucks are a murkier prospect. currie is the only one playing but his JS is apparently not great, so you might as well just save the trade cos no other rookie rucks are playing (i don think derickx can hold his place for long with all the talls to come back)


Quote from: Bully on April 08, 2014, 10:13:14 PM
Bear in mind the byes are 4 weeks away and you'll need adequate coverage, all playing rookies therefore become critical.

+1, As well as the fact playing rookies are generating cash

yes you should trade non-playing rookies if viable options are available


only reason I'm keeping Cluery is for Langford/Langdon loophole.. if you can get rid of him, may as well.. to who though?


Hmm thanks for the advice! Don't have any mids I can swing to def to bring buckley in. Might have to go clurey to georgiou and just see who lines up in the rucks this week! Missed the teams round 1 and really screwed myself over rookie wise! Got swanny giving me headaches but that's another story!


Quote from: gunnerzzz on April 08, 2014, 10:30:21 PM
Hmm thanks for the advice! Don't have any mids I can swing to def to bring buckley in. Might have to go clurey to georgiou and just see who lines up in the rucks this week! Missed the teams round 1 and really screwed myself over rookie wise! Got swanny giving me headaches but that's another story!

Geez, he's been terrible so far.. so bad, you might as well keep him and back him in to turn it around.


Yeah I know! I thought he would have turned it around on the weekend, he's gunna lose too much coin to trade now. I was thinking of turning him into Wines and then upgrading JKH to Fasolo or Clurey to KK, but I think I've just gotta hope he comes good by mid season to have a chance of winning the leagues I'm in!


Quote from: gunnerzzz on April 08, 2014, 10:36:07 PM
Yeah I know! I thought he would have turned it around on the weekend, he's gunna lose too much coin to trade now. I was thinking of turning him into Wines and then upgrading JKH to Fasolo or Clurey to KK, but I think I've just gotta hope he comes good by mid season to have a chance of winning the leagues I'm in!

Yeah that is a thought. Wines a top 10? Not quite this year, but I really believe next year is his year. Certainly not the worst pick. Premo down to a mid pricer.. not a fan.


Quote from: gunnerzzz on April 08, 2014, 10:02:30 PM
Got Thurlow, Clurey and Kennedy-Harris on my bench doing sweet FA. Is it worth trading them for some rooks who are gunna make coin, or am I better off holding trades. Currently have on bench:

Cameron, clurey in def
Thurlow, king in ruck
Imply, JKH in fwd

If you're in the same kind of situation what are you gunna do?

Jesus, that's quite a pickle you're in there.

My advice would be to offload who isn't playing- that's your biggest goal right now.  If JKH keeps getting named eventually he'll play a full game, and Impey is the least of your concerns at the moment pending selection.

Having no ruck cover isn't ideal but also isn't worth trading for, consider picking up Dixon in a few weeks when his price drops in the forward to switch with Thurlow to cover your rucks.

Try and offload one of Cameron/Clurey to Kolodjashnij, kid looks the goods.