Josh Caddy thoughts

Started by Anthonyyyy, April 08, 2014, 03:35:30 PM

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My team is looking very strong and the only concern is Caddy as he wont be making me money for much longer it seems. I have no other concerns in my whole team  ;D should I trade him or is ir a pointless trade also I have 180K to spare which will get me close to who ever I want! So my only concern is it a pointless trade and I shouldn't waste it, or should I get rid of him now!

I know there are a lot of similar threads about this but I just thought Id make one my self and see peoples thoughts!

also on a side note im thinking of trading Franklin is that pointless? same with Josh Kennedy?


As long as he's not losing money, he will remain in my team. A definite upgrade target in a few weeks, hopefully for someone like Petrie who is going to bottom out. Saying that, he hasn't done much this year.


Seeing as you wanted your own thread about this, it will help if you post your team  ;)

Hard to give opinions when we don't know what your team looks like :)

Although my initial thoughts are that if your team is great and Caddy is your only concern, and you have 180k in the bank it sounds like upgrading him makes sense


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 08, 2014, 03:38:35 PMAlthough my initial thoughts are that if your time is great and Caddy is your only concern, and you have 180k in the bank it sounds like upgrading him makes sense



McVeigh, Simpson, Swallow, Jaensch, Suckling, McDonald (Langford, Langden)
Ablett, Pendles, Libba, Beams, Polec, Ellis, Dunsten. Tyson (Taylor, Hunt)
Mumford, Sandi (Thurlow, King)
Danger, Martin, Franklin, Kennedy, Caddy, Higgins (JKH, Impey)

happy with all positions only worries are Kennedy as he is facing harder opponents and isn't as good as I thought and then Caddy who is just risky in general 


Nice looking squad mate

With 180k you might be able to change Caddy and JJK. JJK was always going to be a risky option, and its not working out thus far, and he is not a proven premium (only last year) so see what you can do with both of them I reckon


I don't know why but im also worried about Franklin is there any reason I should be or is he looking good :D


Quote from: Anthonyyyy on April 08, 2014, 04:18:53 PM
I don't know why but im also worried about Franklin is there any reason I should be or is he looking good :D

After last week he is not a worry for you right now. See what you can do if you get rid of Caddy and JJK


Quote from: Anthonyyyy on April 08, 2014, 04:13:29 PM
McVeigh, Simpson, Swallow, Jaensch, Suckling, McDonald (Langford, Langden)
Ablett, Pendles, Libba, Beams, Polec, Ellis, Dunsten. Tyson (Taylor, Hunt)
Mumford, Sandi (Thurlow, King)
Danger, Martin, Franklin, Kennedy, Caddy, Higgins (JKH, Impey)

JJK is fine, sp is Buddy.
Caddy to JMerrett?? defo will score more points and generate more cash than Caddy.

Caddy has a BE of 71 which he MIGHT make. JMerrett has a BE of -9 and looks to make 100K over the next 3 weeks.
JKH to Ambrose.

those would be my 2 trades for the week. looking solid. and you can keep your 180K for future trades.

Caddy to Breust. he's got a BE of 77.
Caddy to Parker. he's got a BE of 68.
Caddy to Darling. he's got a BE of 66.

are other options


Hold you trades Anthony. You will need them

JJK has a BE of only 71 so something will have to go drastically wrong for him to lose money
Same goes for Caddy.


I know and Im thinking Caddy and even JJK has a good chancec of not reaching it atm don't you think Caddys average is like 68 of the top of my head and It could be lower


Don't worry about BE's. Worst case scenario they only lose a few $

You just need to decide if you should sit tight, or trade them out

Once you make that decision then its easy

vtaced avatar ever!


Could trade him this week, but I think I might wait one more week and see how much cash I've gained and then assess.


caddy's BE is 59 even better, and anyway hold for 2-3 weeks to get petrie