trading not working

Started by david17, April 08, 2014, 03:07:27 PM

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When i try to trade using google chrome it wont work just freezes but when i use explorer it works anyone else have this trouble


Yep it has been very laggy at times over the last week or so


Quote from: luvfooty on April 08, 2014, 03:08:12 PM
Yep it has been very laggy at times over the last week or so

yeah just try to do a trade now but didnt work so i had to use explorer to make sure it will work i wish they would fix this could cost someone a win or lose if they wanted to do a last min trade, work out good for me on Sat i try to do a trade in the afternoon but didnt work would of cost me a win cause i would of had Dunstan on the bench lol