Started by Ringo, April 08, 2014, 02:59:32 PM

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When posting new topics can you please look and see if there are existing threads on the topic.

I have merged quite a few threads because thet are on the same topic and in moist cases are only one or two threads apart.


This is an issue that occurs on every single forum world wide. Appreciate the thread, but the reality is it will always happen I'm afraid :(

It's the mindset and objectives the majority of forum users come with. They come for themselves, to get answers and assistance for what they need, not to come and help others. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, its just the reality

Why search and read through existing threads when you can just create a thread and ask someone straight away?

A lot of forums have rules in place that perhaps might work here Eg/ New users cannot start threads until they have X amount of posts etc. Warning systems is another idea, but that's over the top IMO, it's just a forum after all


The issue I have though and what I am trying to get across in three instances where i have merged threads the topics concerning the players have all been on the front page of the thread so surely a cursory glance would help.  In one case there was only 2 posts between them.

Can understand it is a forum but there still needs to be some consistencies with posting and ensuring no double ups.


Ringo I am with you 110% and would love to see the boards not get as cluttered as they do, and I too see those instances where the same topic is being discussed threads apart on the first page of results. I've even tried on several occasions to point out that there is a thread that already exists, but apparently that comes across as being picky and annoying

I just saw a post where someone posted something, and they said it like it was news, when in fact the OP and entire thread was already about what they said, proving the point that so many people just don't even read through things at all

It is what it is. An uptake in moderation and user feedback to individuals is the only way things improve, but nobody wants to do that I'm sure as it's too extreme

The majority of members (regulars) understand how to use the forum and how it works. Perhaps when you see people duplicate posting etc, sending them a PM would be the best way to go about improving things here as the direct message is a courteous heads up to them, and it educates them to stop doing it


I hereby nominate Sir RaisyDaisy to the shortlist of moderators-in-waiting.  8)


Quote from: tor01doc on April 08, 2014, 04:04:59 PM
I hereby nominate Sir RaisyDaisy to the shortlist of moderators-in-waiting.  8)



Sabretooth Tigers


Only regulars know not to do this, new guys just have no clue which we can't really do anything about. Unless you were to hand out warnings and all that.


A few have had PM's from me as a result of merging threads in an endeavour to educate. It is not worthy of warnings just an education which is the purpose of this post as well.


Yeah that's more what I meant Ringo, warnings sound evil haha.


Ringo is right to post this thread and police it.  Suggest the admins/mods start weekly threads like the Match Day Discussion as well as a weekly/permanent threads ie "Round 4 trades", "Fallen Premiums" "The who to start thread" I LOVE the bubble boy thread!

This forum has some great content and some intelligent awesome supercoaches are contributing but you have to wade through a lot of threads started to ask a single question or make a comment that could easily go into existing threads to get to the good stuff

If a new thread is started mods politely lock it and link to the correct thread so it's visible.  That's your education - people love looking at locked threads to see what hijinx went down.

For example right now on the front page you have (in brackets I suggest where these questions or comments could go):

JKH ISNT SUB  (Match Day Discussion)
Subs for rd 4 games ?  (Match Day Discussion)
Quick Trade  (Round 4 Trades)
The Bubble Boy Thread 
Who to play on the ground? (The who to start thread)
top 1% what do i do... 
Fasolo is looking delicious  (The Bubble Boy Thread)
Who Will be the Top 6 Fowards Come Season End / F6 Problem   
rohan upgrade (Round 4 Trades)
murphy to kelly  (Round 4 Trades)
L.Taylor  (Round 4 Trades)
VIC MICHIE  (Round 4 Trades)
Cotchin (Fallen Premiums)
Quick poll: To play - Ellis, Dunstan, Polec, Tyson, Cunningham or Daisy (The who to start thread)
Currie or Derickx?  (Round 4 Trades)

Now I don't post much and you have every right think who is this guy?  I felt compelled to comment as the reason I don't post so much is because of the forum being all over the shop.  It makes it so hard to navigate and communicate it puts me right off! And I like to help.  ;)

So I disagree RaisyDaisy when you say that's the way forums work and you just have to put up with it because with a little more structure and a little bit of work this place could be more organised and a better resource for all the users.  And did I mention I love your bubble boys thread?


Great post Antsey :)

My comment about how this is the way forums work, was not about forums in general, but only this particular forum (I should have clarified that)

I totally agree, and you only need to look at the other SC forums to see the simple structure they have. The Player X vs Y thread, The Round 4 discussion thread etc etc

I agree with everything you say, and would love to see much more simpler structure here.

So, you get the structure right, and then you moderate it properly to educate the minority and new users

A few simple changes which would make a massive difference


We have matchday boards in which only the mods can start the topics and they usually have the games up early in the week as well.
You have some good points for thread topics but sometimes you want specific help for your team so your own thread for trades is sometimes necessary.Plus having a round 4 trades thread for example that one thread would get confusing with so many people wanting to do different trades.Same as having a fallen premium thread that could also get very confusing for some people and you are better off just having the thread about that player.
If someone starts a thread about something already there you just report it to the mods and they will merge it with the other thread or if it is not in the correct section it will be moved to the right section.
Reporting is a big help to the mods as they are not always online to police the boards so you are helping them a lot if you just simply click report.


Quote from: luvfooty on April 12, 2014, 01:42:02 PM
We have matchday boards in which only the mods can start the topics and they usually have the games up early in the week as well.
You have some good points for thread topics but sometimes you want specific help for your team so your own thread for trades is sometimes necessary.Plus having a round 4 trades thread for example that one thread would get confusing with so many people wanting to do different trades.Same as having a fallen premium thread that could also get very confusing for some people and you are better off just having the thread about that player.
If someone starts a thread about something already there you just report it to the mods and they will merge it with the other thread or if it is not in the correct section it will be moved to the right section.
Reporting is a big help to the mods as they are not always online to police the boards so you are helping them a lot if you just simply click report.

Hey luvfooty,  you have to consider that if you had one thread for trades for a particular round then everyone would be looking at that thread - somebody wanting help on their team would have more chance not less of somebody reading their question and providing some feedback.  The alternative is the thread/question is potentially pushed off the front page in under 5 hours (which as I type is how long it took the 1st thread "rohan upgrade" on page 2 to go from the top of page one!  And it was in the middle of my list above not so long ago!)

It might be confusing but would it be more confusing than what's happening now?

Anyway I've had my two cents worth and will pop my head back under the parapet. 


I don`t know if people know it but you can set it so you have more threads on the first page.I have mine set at the maximum and that is 50.The last thread on my page is
Who to Field at D6... Langdon, LMac or Georgiou...?