Can't win overall, what now?

Started by TheViper, April 07, 2014, 07:13:23 PM

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I am literally no chance at overall so now just concentrating on money leagues. What would you guys suggest to my team to fix?

Def: Thompson Simpson Swallow Mitchell Webster Langdon  Emg: Langford Georgiou
Mid: Ablett Libba Rocky Beams Shiels M.Thomas Polec Tyson Emg: Dunstan Ellis
Ruck: Goldy Sandi Emg: Currie King
For: Danger Martin Dahlhaus Caddy Higgins Rohan Emg: Taylor Impey

No money left, 27 trades left
My biggest problems i think are goldy, webster, caddy, dahlhaus, rohan and F6 in general.

Cheers in advance guys.


If he is named next week, then Rohan to Ambrose. Probably wouldn't change anything else this week.


How far back are you mate? It's only rd 3


I'm like outside the top 50000 mate. Just wanted to save my trades and be more patient, but that didn't turn out too well.

Rohan to Ambrose. Actually makes a lot of sense, but still seems like a waste of a trade, Rohan will be a cash cow, just a very slow burning one.


Caddy to Jackson Merrett.
Rohan to Ambrose.

Dalhaus is fine. was avg'ing 98.5 before his 59.
Goldy will get better. you chose him for a reason. Ride it out.
you can take care of webster later.


Jackson Merrett, thats an interesting one. didn't think of that. do you think he can sustain it though?