The F6 Problem

Started by sammy123, April 07, 2014, 03:33:21 PM

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Most people would have rohan as there F6. What will people do?

My options are

1) trade to taylor as he should go up in price a little more than rohan and DP can be gold

2) wait 1 week and see how fasolo goes and then swap rohan for fasolo.

Just want to see what people are doing as it will be a hot topic over the week


i took out rohan for merret then ill just leave taylor and impey on my bench couldn't handle having a rookie as my f6 anymore


I think having a look for one more week on fosolo  is what im doing if he had of started the season i would have started with him  with his new role of half back he could be good value


Fasolo for me, I don't think I'll bother waiting, he looked really good last week and will surely hold his place. Bye-bye Bloodnut, I will start to enjoy your pathetic scores as others curl up into the foetal position.