Forwards n Rucks n Problems

Started by colmullet, April 07, 2014, 01:06:12 PM

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So....atm im sitting with

Rucks: Luey, Sandi, (Currie, Thurlow)

Forwards: Danger, Martin, Roughy, Caddy, Higgins, Taylor, (Rohan, Impey)

152K in the kitty

So Luey is a massive problem, continuing my trend of last year of picking the worst performing ruck, i'm not going to make the same mistake i made last year which was hold on and hope for a turn around.

Then there is F6 which is killing me week in week out and Caddy also being pretty underwhelming

So ive come up with a few options:

1: Luey -> Mummy, Caddy -> Merrett (still leaves a big hole at F6 though)
2: Luey -> Jacobs, Rohan -> Merrett (gets rookies off field.....but not sure how comfy i am having Jacobs even though hes looking back in form)
3: Luey -> Mummy, Rohan -> Fasolo (.......Fasolo......really thats all ya can get......yes thats really all i could get probably)

Its a pickle boys and thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated :)


If you can do the third, that's probably the safest bet. My idea is that I'll hold Leuey for one more round while I fix up F6 and then do a swap to NicNat who should be going back to his best some time soon.

That's just the poor man's option for those without $152 in the bank I suppose


Any of those options sounds good really, though I would also be exceptionally hesitant to pick up sauce. Wouldn't be tooooooo worried about rookie F6 as I think a lot of poeple would have either a rookie or Rohan (lets face it, no better) F6. I would wait and see if Ambrose gets back up, and do Leuey to Mummy and Rohan to Ambrose. Can do Caddy to Fasolo the next week if Fasolo looks good again - not on the bubble yet.

Also, next year can you let me know which ruck you're getting so I don't follow suit? thx  ;D


haha yeah maybe i will make a thread about it next pre-season lol, to make it even worse i had Mummy locked all pre-season and then got cold feet during round 1 and went for the "safer" option in Luey.....idiot!!


just outta curiosity guys, how would u rank the 3 options above...or any others?


Im looking at a fasolo for rohan trade but unsure whether to pull trugger now or wait a week. Usially need 2 games outta a player before you make the decision


yeah im hoping he can solidify a spot, dwyer going down has to help his JS doesnt it?


By far the best option is Luey to Mummy, Rohan to Fasolo. At this stage one only needs 70's to compete with the other teams that have F6 covered, I think that Fasolo can deliver. The thing I liked about his game last week was that he was given a license to roam, I think he'll do well as a part time mid.


Thanks bully, i missed the game so i didnt actually get to see him play but if he can keep the 70+ scoring thats a massive improvement and well good enough for F6 over the current crop


I'm in a similar situation but have Lobbe not Leuy , Mumford has had 3 big games but comes up against big Will this week , Merrett was very good but the Blues were woeful I hate doing these type of trades as they usually blow up in my face so if I have to pick one maybe option 3 , then 2 and then 1 but above all make sure you don't have to cop a Rohan score