Started by RaisyDaisy, April 06, 2014, 12:02:50 PM

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Quote from: RaisyDaisy on April 07, 2014, 12:32:08 PM
Yeah I have JKH and Michie, and the only options seem to be Kelly, Buckley, Crouch and Ambrose

Really wish Buckley didn't put in such a low score, as I was all over him. Kelly looks good but geez I don't want a 200k+ rookie sitting on my bench


Have 4 prems, then Tyson, Dunstan, Polec, Ellis (Michie, Lemmens)

Lemmens will appreciate,  even if its a little slow, but if I get Kelky in its an expensive bench player each week, when that extra cash could get my field points on other lines. Problem is lack of options on other lines.


Lol exact same mid except I have Taylor instead of Lemmens

Bomber said Ambrose will "miss a couple" so that rules him out, but McCarthy is another option although he scores too low

Kelly, Buckley and Crouch it is. I might actually get Kelly, because I will move Taylor from mids to replace JKH at F7, then Michie out, so I will need 2 of these 3, and they will become M9 and 10


I will have Tyson, Dunstan, Polec, Ellis and Kelly this week by downgrading Fyfe to Kelly then upgrading Rohan to a premo.

The idea I'm looking at is to trade one of Tyson, Dunstan, Polec, Ellis, Kelly to a cheap rookie (like M.Crouch) after this week and then upgrade Caddy to a premo.