Lessons from last year

Started by nopies4u, April 01, 2014, 07:46:45 PM

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Quote from: Grufflez on April 02, 2014, 04:40:30 AM
But man, this goes against me booting Petrie... i really wanna boot him, what was i thinking picking him before the byes? I know! North Melbourne would fire and even though he is 31 he always scores so much more when the Roos win ! if he scores under 80 in the next few games i am in trouble.

You gotta hold him mate he'll burn you otherwise and go massive against Port it's how it works. Boomer burnt me to a crisp in 2010. Round 1 scored 110 = happy days, round 2 scored 11 = trade time, round 3 scored 176 = suicide homie. He's obviously gonna drop a bit of cash but by round 4 that score of 20 will be out of his rolling average and he'll soon plateau around 500k.


Re Jack Gunston, with buddy's departure I was convinced that he would play a much more prominent role in the Hawks
fwd line this year.  He's not.  He's playing to last year's average of 70ish.  It appears that that the Hawks are taking up the
slack left by Franklin by throwing crumbers such as Hill, Rioli much deeper into the fwd line and running the ball in more, rather than bombing it to a key fwd.  The punt I took did not pay off.  Gunston will start losing me money this week if I keep him.  So I've decided to trade fast and hard, with Rohan (another experiment not working) going to Ambrose for hard cash and, according to Thomson, durability.  Gunston will be replaced probably by an in-form Zorko which would leave me with $115,000 which I can sit on until the next emergency appears or it's time to start upgrading the mids.  The lesson I learnt from previous years is not to sit around waiting for players who are out of form, or not being utilised in the way you expected, to come good.  If going for overall there is a fine line separating patience, fear, outright stupidity on the one hand, and decisiveness on the other.


Let's face it people will do what they think is best for there team with trades regardless of what other people tell them I have no problems trading out a under performing player for one that is killing it if it backfires my bad , if it works I'll be a genius that's why SC is such a good game and peoples idea's on trading is one part of it so good luck to all as the leagues start this week and may the best trader win  ;)

T Dog

The other issue that needs considering is the value adjustments that continue...price gaps of a falling mid pricer and a rising midpricer may price you out of a trade or cause 2 trades to be needed...just mentioning.. 8)


Quote from: ronl on April 02, 2014, 09:14:21 AM
Re Jack Gunston, with buddy's departure I was convinced that he would play a much more prominent role in the Hawks
fwd line this year.  He's not.  He's playing to last year's average of 70ish.  It appears that that the Hawks are taking up the
slack left by Franklin by throwing crumbers such as Hill, Rioli much deeper into the fwd line and running the ball in more, rather than bombing it to a key fwd.  The punt I took did not pay off.  Gunston will start losing me money this week if I keep him.  So I've decided to trade fast and hard, with Rohan (another experiment not working) going to Ambrose for hard cash and, according to Thomson, durability.  Gunston will be replaced probably by an in-form Zorko which would leave me with $115,000 which I can sit on until the next emergency appears or it's time to start upgrading the mids.  The lesson I learnt from previous years is not to sit around waiting for players who are out of form, or not being utilised in the way you expected, to come good.  If going for overall there is a fine line separating patience, fear, outright stupidity on the one hand, and decisiveness on the other.

Your missing 3 main points here...Gunner doesnt get let off the leash anymore - opposition coaches recognise how damaging he can be...refer 2013 finals series

Also the departure of Franks has freed up a defender to go to Gunstan

Finally - Hawthorns draw is the toughest going around

3 factors - massive factors - why most people did not pick him

He will still bang out big scores (be a game winner) no doubt, but consistancy from a KPP does not generally occur (except Franklin and NRoo in their prime)

In the end theres probably 4 reasons you shouldnt have picked up Gunner

Actually 1 more...Hawks have a very team focussed playstyle where everyone chips in and does their job..there are no standout worthy SC individuals..Ruffnuts is probably the best Hawks option being in his prime, doing a bit of ruck and running on ball occasionally at stoppages

Mitchell is just too old IMO...you wouldnt start with him...youd sit back and see how things run for about 8 weeks - old dudes find it harder to recover - AFL is a young mid 20's game now...hence Mitchell not playing last week

Just my opinion that Im sure to be flamed for


Don't think you can have one hard and fast rule on this. Generally guns will be guns and anyone considering offloading danger, daisy, etc are silly but there are times when early trading has merit.

Charlie dixon for mine is a good example. I started with him bcos I was concerned with no ruck back up and having sandy. To date, sandy looks solid and charlie is no longer spending much time in the ruck. Change in role, injury proneness (concussion in r1) and sandy looking super fit (not to mention currie now getting games and thurlow likely to) was enough for me to trade him out.  I stand by that trade. Its a calculated risk, yes but perhaps I shouldnt have been dumb enough to start with adidon in the first place!

Reasons to trade early: missing a must have rookie, LTI or  perm role change.


No doubt this thread will be bumped back up after Gunston and Dixon play.  A lot of debate over them.  I guess it comes down to personal preference, you can easily make the argument both ways.

Really hoping my faith in them will pay dividends.  Getting a read on a KPF after 2 rounds is tough.


Gunstons DT numbers are up its just that SC conversion that hasn't been top notch yet. Got points taken away last week as the game was super close and a lot of his points were early in the game - registering 45 SC at half time or something. No panic stations yet for me, the points will come. By the way I love how a lot of his possessions are up at a high half forward, and he seems to be spending some time floating back or even on ball? Anyone else see that against Essendon?

80-85 average to the byes is acceptable, his draw opens up after it.

Sabretooth Tigers

Two things I learnt last season were :-
to hold on to cash for the elusive player who breaks out early and looks the goods. This leaves you with the one trade option to get him in.
the second was to measure any proposed trade by what you think it will do for your team in both points and currency. In accordance with those principals, and a gut hunch about the Swans I've traded D Swallow, D Zorko and M Thomas in. Next week or the week after, or the one after that I trade some-one in for Hurn. I'm aiming at having 26 trades come the byes and 20 after them. So LTI permitting I'll be dead on the trade button for some time after the above.. Best of luck and cheers to all.     ;)


Quote from: _wato on April 02, 2014, 11:42:01 PM
Gunstons DT numbers are up its just that SC conversion that hasn't been top notch yet. Got points taken away last week as the game was super close and a lot of his points were early in the game - registering 45 SC at half time or something. No panic stations yet for me, the points will come. By the way I love how a lot of his possessions are up at a high half forward, and he seems to be spending some time floating back or even on ball? Anyone else see that against Essendon?

80-85 average to the byes is acceptable, his draw opens up after it.

Yeah he did fall back but that could entirley be chasing his opponent down the ground and a turnover occuring.

I did notice him floating a bit  - will watch it a bit more tomorrow night

Has a great , accurate kick so maybe has licence to roam


Quote from: PICCOLLO on April 02, 2014, 11:19:45 PM
Don't think you can have one hard and fast rule on this. Generally guns will be guns and anyone considering offloading danger, daisy, etc are silly but there are times when early trading has merit.

Charlie dixon for mine is a good example. I started with him bcos I was concerned with no ruck back up and having sandy. To date, sandy looks solid and charlie is no longer spending much time in the ruck. Change in role, injury proneness (concussion in r1) and sandy looking super fit (not to mention currie now getting games and thurlow likely to) was enough for me to trade him out.  I stand by that trade. Its a calculated risk, yes but perhaps I shouldnt have been dumb enough to start with adidon in the first place!

Reasons to trade early: missing a must have rookie, LTI or  perm role change.

Cough, splutter spurrrrt

Daisy a gun?

Haha...one good year at the pies who were stacked with quality all over the place that opposition couldnt control them all = getting off the leash

Going to Carlton will silence the critics if he is up to it...but how long should a "gun" be given?

A 20 second highlight reel does not maketh a gun

Daisy would tie Dangerpants shoelaces before training if they were on the same team