Trade thoughts? ranked 29th

Started by miffysp, March 31, 2014, 10:26:12 PM

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So im stoked 2 b ranked 29th overall and even more so that I have 308k in the bank. Thinking of trading in zorko and dahlhaus for higgins and caddy yet that will complete my fwd line already with danger dusty titch parker zorko and dahlhaus.
I really think zorko and dahlhaus will average easy 90+. Dahlhaus mainly due to the piss easy draw they have.
What does every1 think?


Congrats on the rank mate.
Pretty intense fwd line. How weak is your mids/def to afford that fwd line?


Firstly, congrats on the ranking, keep it up!

Both the trades sound good at this stage as Zorko and Dahlhaus are much more likely to be keepers. How's the rest of your team looking though? I would imagine that a stacked forward line would leave you weak in other areas..


I always base my lines on rookie depth.
mitchell swallow Hanley Suckling langdon langford mcdonald laidler
Ablett Pendels Murphy Beams Daisy Tyson ellis polec dunstan Taylor (4 link+playing)
: sandi hickey currie derrikx


Nice work mate

Just checked out your team, and yeah those trades look good to me. Anyone else I probably say no, but you gotta go balls out if your in with a chance for overall, so setting that fwd line looks good to me

Going light in the backs for the meantime seems OK, just hope Mitchell gets back this week


Same team as me but you saved around 250k going hanley, swallow, murphy and hicky instead of my sloppy higher premos.
And with that cash for sure upgrade those 2 fwds and good luck!  8)


Congrats on the rank.

I'm not convinced with Dahl yet. I would keep Caddy and upgrade Higgins to Zorko. I think the balance of the $300K will serve you better in a couple of rounds.

Good luck!


Yeah does make sense. Another option is to trade higgins and caddy out. Get in zorko and jaensch. Just means I will lose my mid/fwd link yet create a mid /def link. Plus will still have around 200k 2 pick up a fallen premium or 2


What you need to be doing is essentially this:

What 2 trades are going to get you the most increased points?

Lets say Caddy and Higgins combine for 150 points, and Zorko and Dal combine for what? 200? maybe more?

Are there any other positions where you can trade out a low scoring player for a higher scoring player?

I would be looking at my lowest scoring players, and seeing what options I have with them in terms of upgrading them for maximum potential points, and although I like your trade ideas, perhaps Langford/Langdon getting upgrade might gain you more points than Caddy/Higgins to Zorko/Dal? Not sure, but that's what you need to look at, I think


I like this better, still not as convinced with Jaensch as Zorko as being a keeper. May be use it as a stepping stone at the first sign of it not working out?


Yeah could do 4 sure. I do like your thinking with increasing scoring potential. I rekon I might just get zorko in 4 now then monitor fallen premiums over the next few weeks and swoop on them once bottomed out 4 an inflated cow. Mind u the premium would have 2 b a player capable of top ten by years end.
The old buy low. Sell high.
There is no way jaensch will average a top 10 defender with the likes of mitchell mcveigh bartel hanley swallow birchall enright and so on.
I can c y ur saying to upgrade langdon or langford but I am guna let em juicen up a bit more. Marathon not a sprint

Cheers 4 all ur thoughts so far


Quote from: miffysp on March 31, 2014, 11:22:25 PM
Yeah could do 4 sure. I do like your thinking with increasing scoring potential. I rekon I might just get zorko in 4 now then monitor fallen premiums over the next few weeks and swoop on them once bottomed out 4 an inflated cow. Mind u the premium would have 2 b a player capable of top ten by years end.
The old buy low. Sell high.
There is no way jaensch will average a top 10 defender with the likes of mitchell mcveigh bartel hanley swallow birchall enright and so on.
I can c y ur saying to upgrade langdon or langford but I am guna let em juicen up a bit more. Marathon not a sprint

Cheers 4 all ur thoughts so far

I think you have ended up at the right conclusion . Good luck!


Mate congrats awesome stuff.
As the boys have said I like the Zorko trade. Reckon maybe upgrade Caddy tho instead of Higgins.
I think Higgins has been a bit unlucky and has a fair bit more growth in him.
Keep the rest of the cash for now.

Keep us posted bud.


Caddy to zorko
Wait and watch dalhaus at moment


Well done mate on the ranking. In order for you to have achieved such a solid ranking you have obviously gone with you gut on your initial team selection.

All I can say is, keep trusting your gut