Fix rookies or prems?

Started by colmullet, March 31, 2014, 01:06:43 PM

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Right so here's the situation lol

Backs: Mitchell, Simspon, Hanley, Hurn, Langdon, McDonald, (Langford, Laidler)

Mids: GAJ, Pendles, JPK, Beams, Tyson, Polec, Dunstan, Ellis, (Aish, Michie) (Only line im content with!!)

Rucks: Luey, Sandi, (Currie, Thurlow)

Forwards: Danger, Dusty, Roughy, Caddy, Higgins, Rohan, (McDonough, Impey)

72K in the Kitty

So obviously the backline is where the most damage is, if Laidler isnt named i think he's gotta go to Georgiou on the bubble for a basement price is probably a bit to good to pass up

Would also be nice to get Rohan off the field and with not enough to upgrade i think the best rookie option looks to be Taylor as far as JS and scoring look so was thinking McDonough to him and move Rohan on the bench


If Hurn plays, he will bleed cash so it would probably be wise to get in Swallow....or do i just hold Hurn and ride out the price dip. Then if Mitchell doesnt front up im really running thin down back.

Then there is Luey, seems i have a skill for picking the worst performing "premo" ruck year in year out, had Mummy locked in all preseason but got cold feet before round 1.....biggest regret by far!!

Lucky my AF team is far less stressful haha


crap should have made the poll pick 2 bad, any way to edit that in? i cant find it if ya can, anyways comments would be much appreciated :)


Don't trade Mitchell even if he doesn't play this week. At worst he will be back in round four. Not ideal but I'd definitely put that trade last of the options listed.

Of those I'd say McDonough to Taylor is a certainty and I'd wait to find out a) if Laidler is named this week and b) the expected length of time Hurn will be out for before making a decision on the others.


Quote from: colmullet on March 31, 2014, 01:11:16 PM
crap should have made the poll pick 2 bad, any way to edit that in? i cant find it if ya can, anyways comments would be much appreciated :)
You got any info on Hurns injury and how long he may be out for? Ive got bloody Enright as well.


na nothing yet mate, hoping something pops up in the next day or two


You may well be 3 down in the backs at least you will know about Mitchell in the first game think you would be best to see how it unfolds when teams are named very tough especially with Rohan under an injury cloud good luck


yeah could get messy pretty quickly this year


simpson said hurn likely miss 2 or 3




oh hahaha, ya got me all worried then, nearly went and deleted my team hahaha


shockin luck picking all those boys.

Will depend I guess on who gets named this week.

Hurn to swallow to stop a donut makes the most sense.

I would certainly hold fire on Smitch and Berger.

Depending on who get named, a quick rookie swap at either end is not a bad correction


Thankx man, yeah its frustrating, spend all off season putting a team together for it to go to hell so early.....on the other side i spend 10mins putting a team together in AF and am sitting in the top 100....go figure


McDonough to Taylor can wait a week, you'll still be able to do a straight swap next week courtesy of Taylor's first subbed match. It basically boils down to Laidler to Georgiou or Hurn to Swallow. Do the latter, again you'll still be able to get Georgiou next week in a straight swap, sure you lose the first price rise but Swallow will more than make up for that. You'll also be fielding a player with a higher points capacity.


yeah well looks like hurn might be out for a little while so hurn to swallow is locked in.....i think McDonough to Taylor might be the front runner of the rest, gets Rohan off the field and i think Laidler is more likely to come back than he is