Anyone else having a STINKER?

Started by timtim, March 29, 2014, 11:43:51 PM

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I was looking alright this week and then i checked by Captain Libba was in the negative with 5mins left in the first, look at him now!


340ish from Libba x2 and Higgins and should score 2200. Imagine if i went Pendles captain, could have had an awesome score.


5 guys above 100  :'(

if mcd gets 105 ill get 2000


Will battle to make 2000, absolute disaster. Hurn and Enright in trouble for next week.


Limped over the line to score 2000, Hurn & Enright cost me 120 points today. Thank god it's over, now I have to manage the backline carnage, could be in a world of trouble if Mitchell, Hurn & Enright all miss.


Thanks to Tyson, Ellis and McDonald it might not be so bad this week. Around 2130


1942, I scored higher in a bye week last year

Judd Magic

2035  ::)

Roughead, Enright, Mitchell, Burger all killed me. :(