Daisy in or out..?

Started by luketown, March 25, 2014, 09:42:26 PM

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My side cost 10 mil to build, I have zero loot in reserves.
Mids are-
Ablett, Selwood, Watson, Beams, polec, dunstan, ellis, dale thomas (michie, crouch)
Should I offload daisy to aish or someone and keep a little coin in my kick or sit tight?
Share your thoughts with me.


Whilst I am not advocating holding your trades, I would however hold off on flicking Daisy, well at least I will be, another week to justify his spot and if he doesn't show his worth then BAM...he's gone. I am sure there is a basement price rookie just begging to be part of my team. ;D


   Remember that Daisy's JS is something that you are paying for over a rookie.
      Should really give him one more week, you'll kick yourself if you trade him to whomever and that player gets injured/sub etc and Thomas gets a ton and looks solid.


Give Daisy another week, if he performs badly then trade him to Aish or another rookie.


I got him and have to give him at least one more week and if he does not go well , gone


My heart tells me get rid of Daisy NOW.  Common sense tells me to hold off, give him ONE more week (first game jitters and all that). But I really liked Macrae's game v West Coast.  He stood up to be counted against tremendous odds, and I don't want another rookie at M5 as I'm going overall and need an immediate 90+ average. History shows that, more often than not, the top players in overall trade hard and trade early.  I think I may tell Daisy to pack his bags, his performance last week is really unforgivable.


Give Daisy another week. If he flowers again it MAYBE worth the trade to Tyson or Aish.

But not this week.


Just give him one more mate and then make a call. You'll get another look at some rookies as well


DOn't have him but reckon he will fire come round 4-5. Think the trade is not worth it. If you started with him keep him. He ain't losing you any point's and in the long term you won't be gaining any more points from elsewhere.


What do you guys reckon about my idea of trading Thomas to Caddy, then switching Caddy into the forward line for Taylor?

Means I can play Tyson, Polec and Dunstan on the field in the mids, and Rohan then goes to the bench up forward with Higgins at F6.

I'd like to make the call this week, which give me 2 trades next week to switch out some premiums if need be.


Quote from: jfitty on March 26, 2014, 01:38:46 PM
What do you guys reckon about my idea of trading Thomas to Caddy, then switching Caddy into the forward line for Taylor?

Means I can play Tyson, Polec and Dunstan on the field in the mids, and Rohan then goes to the bench up forward with Higgins at F6.

I'd like to make the call this week, which give me 2 trades next week to switch out some premiums if need be.

I don't even.


Quote from: H1bb3i2d on March 26, 2014, 02:20:04 PM
Quote from: jfitty on March 26, 2014, 01:38:46 PM
What do you guys reckon about my idea of trading Thomas to Caddy, then switching Caddy into the forward line for Taylor?

Means I can play Tyson, Polec and Dunstan on the field in the mids, and Rohan then goes to the bench up forward with Higgins at F6.

I'd like to make the call this week, which give me 2 trades next week to switch out some premiums if need be.

I don't even.

2 trades at my disposal I mean for underperformers, keeping an eye on Buddy in particular


Thank you all for your input. I think I know waiting is the right thing to do. I'm just contemplating being a little proactive and nip it in the bud if that is the inevitable? To also raise a little capital in reserves for next week if I needed to double trade... The general consensus seems to be hold, I will, for today at least... :o


  The question is, If he comes out tomorrow and gets a good amount of midfield time and scores a solid 95, will you still get rid of him?  if yes, then you may as well dump him now.


The talent is there, the fitness isn't.  If he can get his fitness up within the next couple of weeks to earn some serious dough by the byes, he stays.  If he shows no improvement on fitness from last week I might flip him.

Jackson Macrae looks like a jet.  Pre-season scores of 106, 123, 128 at 135/100 and 113 round 1.

If he tonnes up again I may have to consider breaking cardinal sin #37 of SC- trade in a mid pricer (sideways)