Mid $$ and Premium poll

Started by felsty, March 09, 2014, 01:16:15 PM

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Which is the better combo to start with?


I would try and fit all those players in haha


Does anyone wanna tell me why Franklin and Suckling is better than Simpson and Higgins? I think the consistency of Simpson compared to Franklin far outweighs any risks of Higgins injury issues against Suckling and the two of them should score fairly consistently


Simpson and Higgins for me, only because Bud and Suckers can put in the odd stinker

Simpson is the safest, but Bud has the ceiling


Found a way to get Higgins, Franklin and Simpson in but not Suckling
Reasons for Higgins > Suckling

  • smaller starting price means smaller break even
  • should score similar
  • neither will be keepers in their respective lines and will need to be upgraded so less money spent the better
  • better bye structure
  • only issue is Higgins body but I'm willing to take a risk on this
  • looks to be less fwd rookies than back ones so helps improve fwd depth

Sabretooth Tigers

Simpson and Higgins for me
Both Simpson and Franklin are keepers but to me Simpson the most likely to retain his $ value. Think Buddy's will dip and rise a lot making him a good upgrade target. Higgins ,I think, will out score Suckling and is cheaper, thus making you more money. Personally though I have all four. Cheers.    ;)