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Mature League

Started by bowyanger, March 09, 2014, 12:50:23 PM

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Heya peeps

Im usually in about 3 or 4 FF leagues each far this year I have not joined one yet

I have 6 spots available in  a fairly competitive league of mature coaches.. made up of a couple of horse race punters from another horse racing blog site with a few ring ins

we have a resident coach who previews 2 or so SC matches per round - head to head games of the round shall we say - a form guide analysis type of thing - this is a continued league from last year - 11 rejoined - a few are MIA this year

its quite fun without any uncouth, gutter talk

if youd like to join this league let me know and  Ill send you the code - unintelligent, immature types need not apply - we are a group of repectable people.

Likewise Im interested in joining 1 or 2 competitive, mature leagues that partake in psyche out - Ive played for 7 years or something and usually finish around the 5k overall mark


Go Hawks


hey i am very interested in your league, sounds like a great set up and up the hawks!


still 5 spots left

looks like being a tough league this year


Hi, I'd like to join your league.  I've been playing for a few years, but will admit I'm not very good.  I tend to waste trades trying to chase form - but I'm going to be more patient this year (said that last year too).



G'day mate, sounds like a great set up. Reckon I could hold me own in your league if you've still got a few spots and I'm committed to the full season


Fairly competitive guy playing from overseas here. I'd be interested in joining.


Would like to join if there's a spot left just made a post trying to find a leauge
play all year and don't post rubbish


Also keen to join. Ranked around 5,000 last 3 years. I have a PhD in game theory if you think that will add to your Psyche Out.


Quote from: Ubermensch on March 12, 2014, 12:15:04 AM
Also keen to join. Ranked around 5,000 last 3 years. I have a PhD in game theory if you think that will add to your Psyche Out.

PhD in game theory...really?

I know a bloke that would really like to talk to you

He is a pro punter that is looking at a way to come up with some co-efficient that will get him some $$ through footy bets

I told him he is off chops as there is far too many variables


League is full

TY everyone

we have 2 reserves incase of goons pulling out on the vinegar stroke


Hey, not sure if I made the cut (Ubermensch with PhD in game theory).

There was something dodgy with my account and I wasn't receiving messages so I have re-registered under a new name.

If I did make the cut - please PM again with code.



Hey mate any spots left?


I dont know who got in and who didnt...bit of a race to the last spot there - out of my control sorry

I applogise if you missed out...there was a spot left - then I gave it to muzz - then he missed out I think - I dunno what happened or who took the last spot in the last 24 hours

Good luck this year folks