Pendles/Caddy vs Cotch/Pav

Started by batt, March 08, 2014, 10:52:56 AM

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Just a quick poll.  Similar price brackets.  Interested to see the consensus.

I don't see Caddy breaking out beyond 85ppg.

My thinking at the moment is:

Pendles (120) Caddy (85)

Cotch (115) Pav (95)

Which leads me towards the 2nd option.  Also a little better for the byes.


I don't think Pav will be near 95 this year. Something is telling me to stay away from him, but can't put my finger on why.
Caddy will probably avg 85 for the year, but earlier in the season with the geelong mid injuries he could well be more like 90 - enough to use as a stepping stone during your upgrade period


Pendles will average over 120, probably 125+, and Caddy will be a good stepping stone to a fallen premium. Also the fact that Pendles makes choosing your C and VC a lot easier each week