Set and forget fowards, crazy?

Started by zeddyzed, March 04, 2014, 06:05:41 PM

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Hey guys! Been tinkering with a team which is quite different to most of the teams i've seen...its definitely, um, unique haha :o

Swallow, Vlastuin, Watts, Suckling, Kennedy, McDonald      Georgiou, Langford

Barlow, Rockliff, Watson, Liberatore, Cotchin, Beams, Tyson, Michie      Polec, Ellis

Sandy, Hickey     Thurlow, Currie

Dangerfield, Martin, Mitchell, Wingard, Parker, Caddy      Rohan, JKH

My defence is weak, but i expect Swallow, Suckling, Vlastuin and Watts to average 80+, so all will be used as stepping stones unless they go 90+. Kennedy has looked good during NAB and with GWS to improve a lot this year i realistically expect a 70 average if he has a similar role. McDonald ditto, 70 average.

Excluding Liberatore, the midfield is made up of guys who have all averaged 110 in the past, but due to a number of factors are priced cheaper. No Swan, Pendles, Gaz... but i expect at least 2 of my premo mids to regain 110 avgs.

Cheap rucks, need to last til round 8... fingers crossed.

Forward line is set and forget, i expect minimum 85 average from all the guys listed on field, Caddy hopefully has a breakout year.

Is it too risky? I've convinced myself it could work, but im (clearly) biased haha


You must be very optimistic to think Watts will average 80. It is definitely a very interesting team to start with, and you are banking on a lot of players to regain form in the midfield. Yes they are all "predicted" to regain form, but the chances are that it is unlikely that they will all pay off, and imo you do need one of Swan, Ablett or Pendlebury.


Optimism is needed yes haha...

Watts is a #1 pick, with a new coach, in his 5th year, pegged for more midfield time... so if its going to happen it will be this year. But i agree, all big "ifs" in defence. For this strategy to work it requires those mids to all regain their previous averages, its bang or bust.


The problem with this strategy is too many IFs. I'm a big fan of Watts this season, however what if he performs, but Vlastuin doesn't? Or Swallow only has a 75 average?

Basically, you'll hit some winners, but you'll also get some losers, and so won't gain any advantage. I'd be a bit stricter with picking uniques, get a few more premos in to that defense and midfield for some safety.

That said, I like the outside of the box thinking. Picks I like: Watts, Libba, Cotchin, and that forward line.