L.parker vs T.mitchell vs Josh kennedy

Started by dano_monaz, February 27, 2014, 06:22:30 PM

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Would love to discuss these players! Can't seem to pick one as a POD !


If this is for a midfield spot then JPK hands down. Not even a question.



Oh, said JPK before :P

JJK did really well until the last few rounds last year, and the Eagles have a good early draw I believe, so he could bust out some good scores early on.
If Parker has good disposal efficiency, I can see him going really well, but probably a bit too risky at this point. Also I would say there are a lot of Swans players who can take points away from him. Same applies to Mitchell.

JJK for me.


I    I     I  Ccc ccccouldn't ss ssstand ttttt. Ttttt to WW wwwww wwwatch JJJJJKK!




Yeah his eye is covered up, no word on how serious


Don't think it's to bad he was standing up in the change rooms they said they lie down if it's bleeding or really bad