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Started by LaHug, February 25, 2014, 06:15:53 PM

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Quote from: LaHug on April 08, 2014, 08:29:26 PM
How'd they go, Nigey?

I just posted this but it was impossible to put such an amazing performance into words.
Nice review. I was lucky enough to see them last year and while they only played a short set (dunno why, think the venue was really tight) but was magical.


Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 08, 2014, 09:29:53 PM
Quote from: LaHug on April 08, 2014, 08:29:26 PM
How'd they go, Nigey?

I just posted this but it was impossible to put such an amazing performance into words.
Nice review. I was lucky enough to see them last year and while they only played a short set (dunno why, think the venue was really tight) but was magical.

Thanks mate. I liked their music (obviously) but hadn't heard anything about what they're like live. Was taken aback by just how well they worked the crowd and performed! Where'd you see them?


Quote from: LaHug on April 08, 2014, 09:42:33 PM
Quote from: bomberboy0618 on April 08, 2014, 09:29:53 PM
Quote from: LaHug on April 08, 2014, 08:29:26 PM
How'd they go, Nigey?

I just posted this but it was impossible to put such an amazing performance into words.
Nice review. I was lucky enough to see them last year and while they only played a short set (dunno why, think the venue was really tight) but was magical.

Thanks mate. I liked their music (obviously) but hadn't heard anything about what they're like live. Was taken aback by just how well they worked the crowd and performed! Where'd you see them?
I saw them at the hi-fi. Helped they were supported by Northeast Party House. They brought it double time.



Quote from: NigeyS on April 11, 2014, 07:16:00 PM


Really liked that one too! Was tempted to write about it but then this song later that same day got me!

Anyone been following the lead-up to the new Kimbra album? Some of the name drops are insane!


The old "mention the posts I haven't mentioned yet and hope someone reads them to up my view count" trick...
The Jungle Giants were amazing live and I strongly recommend seeing them if you get a chance!
Destiny's Child remix. How cool is that?
Zomg new Kasabian!


One of the most underrated and under-appreciated rappers in the country has dropped a track which is actually amazing.

Mantra ily.  :-*


Quote from: NigeyS on May 03, 2014, 10:30:37 AM

One of the most underrated and under-appreciated rappers in the country has dropped a track which is actually amazing.

Mantra ily.  :-*

I'll have to have a listen when I'm next on my computer.

Apparently there's going to be a new Kimbra song and a new CHVRCHES song this weekend. Way too excited!!!


Although I'm writing my charity blog as well now, I'm still doing this one. For anyone still interested, these guys are cool. Had never heard of them before but liking this tune!


This moves me!

A tad old school - but funky or what!!


Okay, I don't wanna hijack the thread... but I did say I would share my blogs (my Wordpress is private, so I'll just copy and paste).

Did my first 5 blogs on Throwback Thursday.

My next 4 are on memes/viral videos.

In my first blog, I wrote about the craze known as #throwbackthursday. The featured throwback was a song that meant something to me and invoked a good memory - which pretty much is the whole idea of this phenomenon. This week, I'll look at another type of throwback, this time... in the form of a TV show. The variety of throwbacks is endless and in my next blog, I'll provide an example of yet another throwback. So, without further ado, here it is!

[picture of The Wild Thornberrys]

Gone are the days where I could sit back and chill out while watching this great Nickelodeon show on Foxtel. Beginning in 1998 and finishing up in 2004, The Wild Thornberrys never failed to make me laugh with some of the ridiculous things that went on. From the nonsensical actions of Donnie, the hilarity of Darwin the talking chimp or the craziness of the father and my namesake - Nigel. The peak of my excitement surrounding this program came when The Wild Thornberrys Movie came out in 2002.

"The Wild Thornberrys never failed to make me laugh"

Of course, The Wild Thornberrys fanatic inside is still strong, especially when people call me "Thornberry" - one of my many nicknames. There's also those famous catchphrases from the show - 'BLAAAAAARGH' and 'SMASHING'. To wrap this up, I thought I'd link a montage of Nigel Thornberry - one of the finest animated characters Nickelodeon ever gave us.

[photo of me, aged 5, at Universal Studios with Lassie]
    Yeah, I did in fact meet one of the most famous animals on the planet.

I was cute and cuddly once upon a time. Looking at me now, that's hard to believe right? However, the throwback in this blog is about the time I met one of the most famous canines in film and television. Before I dive into story time, let me give the lowdown on this type of throwback. Arguably the most common type of #throwbackthursday post is a photo like the one above. Just like this, people will often post a picture of themselves, more often than not from their childhood. Sometimes, they'll be accompanied by a story as well. Generally, all pictures have some kind of story and/or memory attached to them that we remember for years to come.

    "Arguably the most common type of #throwbackthursday post is a photo"

Let's cut to the chase. For those who don't know, the dog is the picture above is Lassie! How did a clueless five year old meet one of the most famous animals in film and television? Well, I went on an 'around the world' trip as my family called it. While visiting Hollywood, California we stopped off at both Universal Studios and Disneyland. It was there that I met Lassie. Now, my memory is fuzzy of the whole moment since I was only 5 and some days I can't even remember what I had for breakfast, but according to my mother, I didn't want to go near the dog. I apparently thought it was a fake and when it turned it's head I freaked out. Ultimately, I posed for the photo, but I wasn't a happy camper. Stay tuned for the next post in this series, but for now, I'll leave you with the theme of the Lassie from the 1967 television series.

[pic of Graduation album cover]
    The album that really got me into music.

As a kid, I was given a computer at age 4. Yeah, you read right... 4 years old! Blame my Dad for that one, it was a poor decision on his part, but he's always been that kind of guy. Anyway, long story short, he put a whole lot of music on that computer. Now, this was 1999 and I was only 4, so it probably doesn't need saying that I didn't exactly have a taste in music yet. Every day from the age of 3, I would sit in the car with Mum until she dropped me off at daycare, then in the evenings after she finished work, I would sit in the back seat and listen to the radio again. The station of choice for my mother was Magic 693, which then became Magic 1278 (and now she's listening to Gold 104).

    "It probably doesn't need saying that I didn't exactly have a taste in music yet"

Along came 2007 and one of the most well known artists on the planet dropped his third album. Kanye West released 'Graduation' which came with rave reviews and critical acclaim. It was album that a lot of people liked. I was one of those people. A few years prior, just as I was finishing up in primary school, I was slowly getting into music and developing my taste. One day, I heard Stronger on the radio and immediately loved it (I had recently discovered Daft Punk as well). I thought to myself... "this guy can really rap and this song is awesome". That afternoon, instead of doing homework, I went and listened to The College Dropout [hyperlinked to lastfm] and Late Registration [also hyperlinked]. From that day forward, I fell in love with Kanye West's music and discovered the awesomeness that is the genre of hip hop. Here goes giving the aforementioned and best track on the album some love. And that's the fourth throwback done and dusted!]

So right now you're probably thinking... "This guy loves Taylor Swift and Mean Girls? What the hell?" Yes, it's true. I'm not going to deny it. Both are quality. Allow me to elaborate on my choice for the fifth edition of #throwbackthursdays with Nige. Let's go back to 2004, when I didn't actually go to see the movie in the cinemas when it was initially released. I remember turning up at school one morning and hearing a whole lot of friends talking about the movie. I thought nothing of it at the time, assuming it was a stupid, girly chick flick. Eventually, I saw the movie and found out what all the fuss was about. I immediately loved it and thought it was funny. Then people started using some Mean Girls quotes at school and it became a thing... I guess you could say it became 'fetch' [hyperlinked to urban dictionary].

Over the years, I've seen the movie so many times that I could probably recite it word for word. I can't even remember how many times I've sat down in front of the television and watched the repeat of it on Channel 10. I recall many times where my friends and I would suddenly chuck a quote from the movie into our conversations and then have a good laugh. Those kind of moments are good fun and great to remember, so when I realise they wouldn't exist if I hadn't actually seen a movie I didn't even think I would like, in a sense... I look back and am glad I made such a decision. That, to me, is exactly what a throwback should do. To finish this particular post, I'll cap it off with my favourite scene from the movie.

So yeah, that's the first 5.


I'm gonna be honest here, I love the internet. I love the content, the people, all of it. When 'internet memes' became a thing, I was  overwhelmed with joy having previously been enamoured funny and stupid images on the web. In late 2013, yours truly saw an image of a dog, more specifically, a Shiba Inu.

This dog became known as Doge. The face behind Doge is Kabosu, a Shiba Inu or 'shibe' rescue-adopted by Atsuko Sato - a Japanese kindergarten teacher.

    This is a Doge meme that I created myself for my phone's lock screen wallpaper.

The origin of the term Doge comes from when,  on October 28th, 2010, a photo of Kabosu was submitted to the /r/Ads subreddit on Redditwith the title "LMBO LOOK @ THIS FUKKIN DOGE," where it received 266 upvotes, 218 points overall and 48 comments prior to being archived.

The Doge meme rose to popularity in 2013, and became a viral sensation rather quickly, although ultimately as with many other e-fads, the love for this meme died down. However, Doge still remains my favourite meme of all time.

Below are some of my favourite Doge memes that have graced the internet - compactly compiled into a neat little slideshow.

[slideshow of several Doge images]


When it comes to viral videos, this just might be my favourite. It's the sensation known as Numa Numa.

This internet phenomenon became a thing thanks to Gary Brolsma [hyperlinked to Brolsma's site] who posted the video of himself singing and dancing in a performance known as a lip dub in December 2004. The song in the video that Broslma lip syncs is called "Dragostea din tei" [hyperlinked to music video] by Moldovan pop group O-Zone.

The video was posted to Newgrounds, a website that hosts flash animations and games. The video received two million hits on Newgrounds alone. The video was later uploaded to YouTube by xloserkidx in August 2006 where it currently has over 50 million hits.

Numa Numa

I first learned of this sensation in 2005 when a friend of mine started showing it to a group of us during 'free-time' in Grade 5. We all thought it was absurd, but hilarious... and also incredibly catchy. Within days, half the year level was on to the Numa Numa craze. However, particularly my class, would sing it randomly 'for the lulz'.

Since that day, I can't even remember how many times I've watched Broslma's video and sung along myself, but that's not a bad thing, because it means this viral hit was a complete and utter success.


Didn't post last week because I was hella busy but being sick gave me an opportunity to post again. I'm almost certain nobody reads it any more but this remix is too awesome not to share!


My final two blogs are gonna be on the Overly Attached Girlfriend and Charlie The Unicorn, will probably do them when I get home, or potentially if I get some time at Uni today.