Midprice Mayhem: how many do you do?

Started by felsty, February 25, 2014, 04:28:48 PM

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Really struggling with the amount of mid pricers in my starting team. All I see is more trades needed to upgrade to premiums later on, but it's so hard with the lack of rookies looking ever more likely to be picked in Round 1.

How many mid pricers do you have in your team and realistically how many do you think is a good amount to go in with in relation to scoring potential price and the need to upgrade later on?


atm i have 8 guys between 220K and 450K, but at the moment its more of a contingency if there's only 2 back and forward rookies named round 1, if more pop up ill obviously downgrade a mid-pricer and probably upgrade another with the spare cash....but if none pop up im happy enough with the guys ive chosen


Sandi and Suckers for me. However some may count Gunston and Pav as mid-pricers


4 for me. Have Suckling, Griffiths, Sandi and Higgins. I'm not including Pav/Beams/Swallow as 'mid priced' as they all seem to cost too much to label them like that.


Felsty, what priced players are you considering to be midpricers?

That needs to be clarified before anybody can accurately vote.


C. Pearce, Suckling, beams, D. Simpson, Sandi, Gunston ans Caddy so that's 7 for me.


Quote from: ben_020285 on February 25, 2014, 05:12:54 PM
Felsty, what priced players are you considering to be midpricers?

That needs to be clarified before anybody can accurately vote.
I suppose it's hard to put a definition on it, as it's up to each individual..
I have Suckling, Shaw, Beams, Hickey, Sandi, Parker and Hawkins that could be called mid pricers however I have taken Parker out of that because of his price and Beams and Sandi out of it because they are genuine premiums
I might just call this my B Team and have an A Team in case more rookies are named
Such a hard decision


I only have Sandi and Beams

and will end with one or maybe two in fowards

I'm counting Rookies as those $250k or less - as I will probably have 2 or 3 between 200 and 250

Trying very hard to keep Mid Priced to a minimum