Tackling the split round

Started by Bully, February 18, 2014, 11:54:29 PM

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Quote from: Aaron26 on February 19, 2014, 09:05:03 PM
is there unlimited trades after round 1 up untill round 2 like AF?

HOLY SMOKES..NO WAY! otherwise i would be finding a new hobby.


Quote from: Ringo on February 19, 2014, 09:14:28 PM
No we have the 30 limit 2 a week. But as Round 1 is split  believe we have unlimited during the rolling lock out till round 1 finishes so will be working that to my advantage but not overly concerned as it is only round 1.

More concerned with Capt and VC Loophole. and nailing that as getting that right will outweigh any losses by rookies not named.

Its still a massive problem, as what if you decide to not play a rookie from one of the first half split round teams because you really prefer a rookie in a second round team who then doesn't get named or gets dropped,you are then relying on another rookie option from those remaining teams,while the first half split round rookies are locked away!

Feel free to correct me if i have any of this wrong,Thanks  ;D :o 8) :'(


Yep you got. Eg: If you are relying on Macca at D5 or D6 and he doesn't play or gets the vest who do you upgrade too? Who do you downgrade to get the extra money? Options will be limited with only 3 matches remaining and if you haven't the cash and need to downgrade an F4 say, has he already played! :-\
This is just one player, its fairly dodgy relying on McIntosh too.
Contingency plans will be required, or it could flower up your whole structure and byes if ya not careful.

It's like trying to work out a rubix cube ;D

Gotta luv coaching :)


But if you wanted easy, go and play Fantasy!

Should be able to work through it with a bit of planning ;)